Would you ever tell someone that you didn't like something they gave you as a gift, or didn't like food that they prepared for you,or anything like that?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, I’d never do that. When this happens, I’m grateful for the thought and effort, and I find something nice to say. What’s the percentage in a cruel response to a kind gesture? Recently, someone gave me a batch of chocolate-chip cookies. I don’t eat chocolate, but there was no need to mention this. I gave profuse thanks and passed the cookies along to Paul. It turns out that they were burned, hard as bricks, and nasty; I never said anything.

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Last Answer : Hell,no.

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Last Answer : Oh, my. That’s awful! I certainly hope your ‘friend of long standing’ backs you up, and convinces the authorities that you had nothing to do with it. If you are truly dealing with PTS, you really should see someone about it. It will help, I promise.

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Last Answer : Of course. Sometimes the relationship is more important than facts.

Description : Have you ever cooked food you didn't like for someone?

Last Answer : Yes, Chicken Curry for my Son. I can't stand hot spicy food but I did it for him one time when he came home for a visit. Cried my eyes out. The curry burned my eyes it was so hot.. He said it was the ... says I make the best but I simply don't like it. I like pumpkin, I just don't like in a pie.

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Last Answer : Your friend must not be a Beatles fan…

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Last Answer : answer:I gave up spending so much money on guns. Other than that, I stopped buying such expensive food and cut my energy usage.

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Last Answer : Well I figured they (the judges) know better and maybe because the gold medalists were skating forever (over 18 years) and this was their last chance and then they were going to go off and make babies after and also because Canada is afraid of China (okay the last two reasons are false)

Description : I made the phone functional there and after a few months I chose it and it no longer worked. Can I request a refund or a phone refund?

Last Answer : If you have clearly stated in the original receipt that it is functional and in the return report that it is non-functional, then probably yes. Otherwise, it gives me the impression of some speculation and ... you don't have such a confirmation, I wouldn't even try it, because you can't succeed.

Description : Do you like receiving food as a Christmas gift?

Last Answer : answer:Sure, I’d take it. I love getting stuff like that. :) Homemade? Yes. Stuff from catalog? Yes.

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Last Answer : BLTs yo!!!!!!!

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Last Answer : Wow. Yes and another time I’ll just go with my instincts.

Description : What's something you like that you're sure almost anyone else would enjoy if they gave it a chance, continued?

Last Answer : Kazoo in the car! Ta-da! You’ll love it! ;)

Description : Do you know of anybody who, this Thanksgiving, didn't do anything Thanksgiving-ish at all?

Last Answer : Yes, my baby sister and her husband.

Description : What if it was against the law to sell anything you didn't make yourself?

Last Answer : answer:Interesting. I don't know if this would slow things down or lead to vertical integration (and conflict with antitrust laws as well), because we have to consider what yourself would mean. For ... . Therefore, you wouldn't really go to the grocery store, but the Monsanto store (super scary).

Description : When was a time you generally felt terrible for a friend, but didn’t say anything about it?

Last Answer : When he got a gf that constantly cheated on him, i felt so bad, he looked so empty

Description : They prefer my sister and don't pay attention to me and when they notice me they bark at me and sometimes even beat me

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Would you prefer to get a gourmet gift basket or a gift certificate to a gourmet food store for Christmas?

Last Answer : Certificate, for the reasons you noted. Last time I received a gift basket, I ended up re-gifting (!) more than half of the items. Of course, my daughter was happy to get the stuff I didn’t want.

Description : What are some food items to put in a birthday gift basket for a friend who's dieting and is on Weight Watchers?

Last Answer : Fruits or veggies would be good. It's not a good idea to put sugar free, low fat items in a basket. The person might not like them and it just brings attention to the fact she is on a ... that I would totally appreciate: chapstick, hand lotion, mints, stuff that my close friends know I use daily.