Do you have a word of wisdom ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Be grateful. This will increase your overall well-being.

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Description : What's your unique wisdom tidbit?

Last Answer : Always treat people the way you want to be treated. Meaning: don’t be mean to wait staff, clerks, or anyone you run into in your daily life. If you can help anyone that is in a wheelchair, or using a walker, they will appreciate it.

Description : Aging: downward slide towards the grave; or a climb through life's experience towards wisdom?

Last Answer : Having had a few moments in my life where it looked like aging might not happen, I can definitely say I prefer it to the alternative. I actually enjoy a lot of aspects about it. I'm smarter, I no ... . Since it happens anyway (if you're lucky) I'm much happier embracing it than being upset by it.

Description : What wisdom have you learned that has made the biggest difference in your life?

Last Answer : That there is nothing more restorative than time spent in nature. This morning I saw a deer with three-week-old twin fawns.

Description : Have you ever received wisdom from an unlikely source?

Last Answer : My daughter, who is brave when it comes to medical procedures and always was (unlike her father) once told me “dad, when I know I have to have it done, I have it done”. I’m trying to follow her advice.

Description : When you think of the wisest person you've ever known/know, what is it that you're missing in terms of reaching that wisdom?

Last Answer : More humility…

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Last Answer : A) justifiable

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Last Answer : "Eat poop"

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Last Answer : There is this chap that bought a small compressor for electronics dusting purposes and compared it to a normal blower style duster. The compressor was a complete failure.

Description : How would you describe the difference between intelligence and wisdom?

Last Answer : Intelligence is processing information and being able to extrapolate hypothesis and conclusions from various pieces of knowledge. It's more than just memorizing information, although memory is part of it, ... really does help in many situations in a way that just knowing information can't.

Description : If you had the energy of youth along with the wisdom of age, how do you think your life would (or will) be different?

Last Answer : I would make a different set of choices at important junctures in my life. I don't think I would ever have left New England, for one thing. And I wouldn't have got involved with that one guy, for another. ... seemed like a good idea at the time. (This is why they say Youth is wasted on the young. )

Description : If knowledge answers the question "what" and understanding answers the question "why" while wisdom answers the question "how" - what question does imagination answer?

Last Answer : The question.

Description : On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "complete BS" and 10 being "divine wisdom", how would you rate the following statement?

Last Answer : 42

Description : Is wisdom tooth removal the new racket in dental care?

Last Answer : Some wisdom teeth create problems as they grow in or become impacted. I never had a problem but both my sons had theirs removed years ago. This has been being done for a long time.

Description : Can you share some words of wisdom please?

Last Answer : So the road of ambition must be walked barefooted?

Description : Have you had wisdom teeth pulled out with a painless, infection free recovery?

Last Answer : I’ve had one wisdom tooth pulled because it literally rotted apart and needed only to take a couple 200ml ibuprofen tablets when I got home from the dentist. Apart from mild soreness, it was a comfortable and inflectionless recovery. I was still even able to chew on that side.

Description : Do impacted wisdom teeth have any connection to PVCs?

Last Answer : I don’t think that there is any connection at all. I am glad things ae going well for you though.

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Last Answer : If anything my nightmares have only grown worse as I’ve aged and gained in knowledge, experience and wisdom.

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Last Answer : answer:Before getting my iPad I chatted with a customer support online with apple and explained what I would be using it for. Then asked me how much memory, how much I would be on it and what I would use it ... . They are great at helping out. I hope you find the one you need. Best of luck to you.

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Last Answer : I eat my fortune cookies but do not believe they hold any magic powers. Infact, the last one I got said ” You are a lucky man.” I am a women and I have no desire to change that. haha

Description : Can I request laughing gas for impacted wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : answer:You'll have to discuss options with your dentist but I don't think nitrous oxide gas ( sp? )would be strong enough to cut out impacted wisdom teeth. Of course I do not know for sure. When ... about an hour before they let you go home. Obviously you will need someone to drive you home as well.

Description : Wisdom tooth coming in - no pain - dentist or no?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t go. Many people have wisdom teeth and never had one problem. Only recently did wisdom teeth become such an issue. When I was younger, they’d only need to come out when there was a problem. Otherwise, they’d stay in people’s heads without second thought.

Description : My parents won't let me get my wisdom teeth removed, what are my options for helping myself?

Last Answer : Do you have any dentistry schools near you? If you’re in pain something is not right.

Description : Wisdom tooth extraction experience?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it’s possible. I had heard all the horror stories, but mine turned out not to be that big a deal.

Description : Do you have any words of wisdom you would like to share?

Last Answer : I’ll start off: People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care… fortune cookie.

Description : For those who have had their wisdom teeth or tooth removed did you go under anesthesia?

Last Answer : I did, I honestly don’t remember how long it lasted. On moment I’m getting stuck with an IV and quite literally a second or two later my dad is sitting in front of me and I’m like “WTF are you doing here?” I did not even realize that it was over.

Description : I had my wisdom teeth taken out over a month ago and I'm not sure if I developed a dry socket or not?

Last Answer : Dry socket hurts a lot. Treatment for dry socket is to scrape it until it bleeds, and let the clot hang out in there. That white thing may be a thread of suture.

Description : Ear pain after wisdom teeth extraction?

Last Answer : Take a double dose of painkillers. From everything I've read, a dry socket would not cause anyone to wonder if they have it. They'd be crying in agony. I think they'll say to put a half unfrozen ... 'd think you could have some level of discomfort for a week or ten days. Hope you feel better soon.

Description : How old were you when you got your wisdom teeth extracted?

Last Answer : I was 27. It’s not a big deal, don’t worry.

Description : How long does it usually take to heal after having two wisdom teeth extracted?

Last Answer : I went home on a Friday and was back at work on Monday, at the oral surgeon’s office as an out patient. They will usually take the two wisdom teeth on the same side at one time. They took my right side wisdom teeth first and then four months later the left side.

Description : How did people get their wisdom teeth extracted before modern dentistry?

Last Answer : answer: Only at the end of the nineteenth century the use of local anesthesia together with the development of radiology led to the establishment of surgical dentistry. Especially the technique of ... 1950s, highly dangerous infections have become rare, PubMed Before that they were left alone.

Description : My face is now bruising 4 days after wisdom tooth extraction. Why? What can I do about it?

Last Answer : Nothing you did caused it. It is just natural. Nothing you can do will make it go away. You can try to cover it with make-up.

Description : How quickly can wisdom teeth move?

Last Answer : answer:I can't give you mph, but my dentist says that our teeth (even with no impaction or misalignment) shift all the time until we die. I think that a second opinion is a good idea, since ... this issue for a while. I remember that the issue was the insurance company and not the dental decision?

Description : Is this really all I can do to cope with my wisdom teeth?

Last Answer : answer:Harass the insurance company or have someone do it for you. You need those out asap. It's pain, plain and simple. OTC you're not going to get anything better than ibuprofen. ... significantly more powerful, but taking it will likely render you useless for any working or learning process.

Description : Does anyone have any home remedies for wisdom teeth pain?

Last Answer : Ibuprofen.

Description : Wisdom, fool! Do you have it?

Last Answer : answer:I remember reading a saying that went something like a wise man is someone who believes the same thing you do . That has truth for me. We don't tend to say those who vehemently ... don't know everything or even most of everything about anything and I can always learn from other people.

Description : Doing PT 3 days after wisdom teeth removal, can I do it?

Last Answer : Do it

Description : Should I get my wisdom teeth removed?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. You need to ask your dentist if you need them removed or if your jaw has room for them. I don’t think anyone on fluther is quite qualified to evaluate from a picture,

Description : What computer Role Playing Games have the best Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Wisdom?

Last Answer : None. It currently takes a supercomputer to approach AI and a large bank of machines to handle impressive AI jobs such as machine learning. There are no AW (Artificial Wisdom) machines Yet. What ... Afghanistan under his belt, so he has a pretty good idea of how successful team leaders behave.

Description : Did you ever tell words of wisdom when you were younger?

Last Answer : Children are like everyone else, some are more perceptive and able to articulate their thoughts and feelings better then others. I think most children are capable of profound understanding and moments ... marvel. Your father seems to have respected your feelings and handled the moment quite well.

Description : Do parental words of wisdom stick in your mind?

Last Answer : I remember my Dad saying: “Don’t tell me why you can’t. Tell me how you can!” I would say that to KatawaGrey. Damn, I miss my Dad!

Description : Now that I am 50, I sure see things differently. I see that my parents did the best they could and were really great parents. I also understand that I am doing the best I can...I wonder if those who are older have any words of wisdom?

Last Answer : answer:If you have been a multi-tasker, anticipate the ability to slow down. Studies show that multi-taskers cannot maintain the mental capacity to do so as they age. The body continues to age, so ... of what to expect. Take care of yourself, and there will be many new adventures to experience.

Description : From what reference did Dungeons and Dragons use to describe ability score loss to zero in wisdom and charisma?

Last Answer : I know that some games consider Charisma to reflect ones ability to deal with the outside world. As for Wisdom, it is your ability to make sense of the world, and a little bit of your ability to exert your willpower; without it, you cannot control even your own mind.

Description : Could this pain be caused by my wisdom teeth coming in?

Last Answer : answer:Uh I'm not a dentist and I have zero medical training. But I have had toothaches from time to time, and a few extractions. (At my age, it ain' no thang.) And I also had braces ... whole mouth pain. You need to be scheduling a visit with your orthodontist and getting some pictures, I think.

Description : What should I do about this wisdom teeth issue?

Last Answer : Call your dentist and tell them what you have told us, that you have heard too many bad stories on this oral surgeon and need another reference. I would never go to an oral surgeon or dentist or ... bad reputation. Also, ask your dentist if it is possible to wait until your next break from school.

Description : If you were a god or goddess of wisdom, what advice would you give to the world today?

Last Answer : Enjoy the moment.

Description : How do you describe wisdom in your own words?

Last Answer : Wisdom is attained when one has almost perfected the art of thinking. It will never be perfected however and rightly so, for no person of wisdom would claim perfect wisdom is attainable.

Description : How can I pay for wisdom teeth extraction?

Last Answer : Have you checked with the university to see if they have any health plans, deals, ideas?

Description : Can great wisdom be found in popular song lyrics?

Last Answer : answer:“Who Let The Dogs Out?” Also, this song by Kool and The Gang…........No Show He thought he would try loving again. He met this girl that was ideal for his personality. They set a time, date and location to meet. She was a “No Show”. Great song.

Description : I can't manage to let ONE day of my life go, Even a year later... Much Wisdom needed... Please share?

Last Answer : It’s one part (one day, even) of your life. What is different about that day, and a time in middle school where something bad happened to you? You just have to forget about it, live your new life.

Description : Can you come up with an original "Words of Wisdom"?

Last Answer : The combined magic of all human creation myths can not begin to compare with the magnificence of the observed natural universe.