[NSFMatureAdults] Have you smelled farts that smell like something specific?

1 Answer

Answer :

No Wonka bars for mature adults? I had a fart that smelled like cabbages. Cabbages! Never again.

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Description : Do you like the smell of your own farts?

Last Answer : mine smell like tulips, so yeah. because i love tulips (especially in the morning) other people that like their own are just crazy

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Last Answer : They do? Maybe it’s just you. I think the cheese stands alone, Dude.

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Last Answer : answer:Compared to yours? I just asked my dog and she said it is all a matter of perspective. Check what the dog is eating.

Description : Why do our own farts smell so much less vile than those of others?

Last Answer : I think even the tiniest sniff of someone else’s fart is so off putting, because it’s not our own, but we’re a lot more tolerant of our own smells. Although I have on occasion chased my self from the room.

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Last Answer : I think the smell would be similar but not exactly the same.

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Last Answer : They smell so bad they should be required to give warning, it is true. And yet, the sudden emergence of this horrific aroma from beyond the edge of your senses tends to titillate most into commenting with strange sounds and gestures.

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Last Answer : answer:Don’t waste our time Proctologists coprophelia

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Last Answer : answer:!) Gotta tell you, my dogs farts They make noise. [at]) Unless it's particularly raunchy I bask in all of them. I've had some where I've covered my own face. Those are baaaad nights. ... out with the full force of zeus it just seeps out slowly. anyone ever taken gas x purposely to fart?

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Last Answer : A wood fire

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Last Answer : A bodybuilder's protein farts

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Last Answer : Henry opposed the formation of a strong central (Federal)government, feeling the each state should govern themselves. Yes,his concerns were justified, as that convention created the USConstitution, and give rise to the Federal government heopposed.

Description : If a person farts and there is no-one to hear them, is there any point to it?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, you’ll probably feel better. Did you know that our town has a Dutch Oven group? :).

Description : You're in a packed elevator/lift when somebody farts, how do you react?

Last Answer : I sing along! With my own fart! XD

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Last Answer : Do we have any control over the sound of our farts?

Description : What do you call farts?

Last Answer : Steve.

Description : Are Farts unavoidable?

Last Answer : It’s to do with the digestive process in your intestines, I believe. It’s your body releasing gases. The smell is part of that, too. Same with why your poo smells.

Description : Are lighting farts and leaving flaming bags of poo on doorsteps as Hallowe'en pranks guy things?

Last Answer : answer:I suppose there are a few female exceptions (human behavior being what it is) but this stuff seems to be the territory claimed by guys. They love all types of gross stuff far more frequently than women. ... 't expect to find a plethora of them lining up to participate :D. let's get real here.

Description : What are dog farts so heinous?

Last Answer : Dude, do you see what they eat? Behind your back they are noshing on cat turds, bird carcasses, lint, old tires and most likely the crotch of your old ladies jeans. Ummm, yeah, their farts are destined to be uber.

Description : Do you get brain farts too?

Last Answer : It is far easier to ask, “When don’t you get brain farts?”

Description : Why do farts take a different odour?

Last Answer : Because they’re concentrated. Fart in a sports bottle next time, cap it and take a whiff. I bet it’ll be closer to a ‘water fart.’

Description : How come dog and cat farts are not audible?

Last Answer : No butt cheeks to vibrate. :)

Description : What happens if someone farts at work?

Last Answer : It was a joke on you. They all discussed it beforehand to check your reaction. You’ll see the video being circulated around the office tomorrow. ;-)

Description : What's up with burnt-smelling farts?

Last Answer : Usually happens when one eats those self igniting matches.

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Last Answer : Disgusting, I would tempt such a father not to stand for two years, what model does such a photo give to his child? Does he care? Poor! When she did, write it down and show him in 2 months to ... parents the way I wanted, all you have to do is want, disapprove and constantly stand by your own ...

Description : How do you push out farts?

Last Answer : Just lay on your stomach and wait for the Gas to Come

Description : Why do I get sick when I go somewhere new I feel yucky and have cold sweats and my farts get really stinky.?

Last Answer : I don’t understand the question

Description : Speaking of crayons, what is the specific ingredient in them that makes them smell the way they do?

Last Answer : It’s stearic acid – beef fats. And also, LOTS of things smell like crayons, the VW Jetta is one of them. :P