Would you drink it if your tap water tasted and smelled like diesel (after a spill)

1 Answer

Answer :

We had a chemical spill in the water supply in my community last year about this same time. Water spill We were not allowed to drink, bathe, or even use the water to flush toilets for several weeks. Water was brought in and people lined up to get water to use at home. After it was over, people had to flush out their hot water tanks several times before using. It was a pain and you can’t even imagine what/who the water chemical spill affected. Hospitals could not perform many functions such as surgery’s, dialysis, or even cook food for patients. Hotels could not let guests shower, nor could they cook food for them. It was out of control.

Related questions

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Last Answer : A wood fire

Description : Do you drink tap water?

Last Answer : Yes. Love cold tap water. That’s pretty much all I drink that’s non alcoholic.

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Last Answer : answer:I live in Oregon. I can see the snow my drinking water comes from. edit :: and I drink from the tap. Our water is lovely.

Description : Are you from one of these cities listed? If so, don't drink your tap water - even boiled.

Last Answer : What is this ‘water’ of which you speak? eyes beer I lived in Florida for about five years. Horrible water from the tap. It’s sad to have to buy water in a bottle, yet the alternative in FL was sulfur-water. Ick.

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Last Answer : Not in general, unless there is a specific issue with water quality in your town. The water treatement plant is supposed to post a periodic notice with your waterbill, and with the paper of record.

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Last Answer : For dishes at least 95f. or even a little hotter.

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Last Answer : Boston. Excellent! It was also great in Providence. Supposedly at my school the water has lead or something but I drink it anyway.

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Last Answer : I would trust your senses. If it tastes funky, abandon ship! Britta filters aren’t that expensive if you have to resort to something else.

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Last Answer : The water will last much longer IN the bottles. Given what we have learned about the problem with plastic containers, I would consider non-ferrous metal containers for long-term storage of water. If ... every three months or so. That is my opinion, I have no authoritative reference to support it.

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Last Answer : Tap water, both hot and cold, contains dissolved atmospheric gasses. But the ability of water to maintain those gasses in solution decreases as the temperature of the water increases. The hot water is still ... too tiny for the naked eye to see. These are what give the water a cloudy appearance.

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Last Answer : answer:Southern California has 2 sources of tap water - the Colorado River and groundwater. Groundwater is taken from about 4,000 ft bgs, and is filtered through subsurface soil. River water is run through a ... 't think bottled water is worth the money, but is always a safe bet. Hope this helps.

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Last Answer : Unless you live in the projects, your tap water is perfectly safe – in fact, it’s the source of many bottled-water brands.

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Last Answer : I constantly drink water throughout the day. I have a glass near me at home the vast majority of the time, and I have an 800 ml canteen that I refill probably 3 or 4 times throughout the day at my desk at work.

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Last Answer : If you drink it 100% of the time, it can be, long term, bad for you because your metabolism will slow, your urine production may increase, and that may deplete your electrolytes. So, long term, it's ... time to time, and also drink other waters, juices, etc., then there's practically no risk at all.

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Last Answer : answer:That’s been common knowledge in these parts for a long time, and occasionally comes up with those radio contests and hazing rituals that end up with dead people. However…5 beers a night? Ouch. Every night?

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Last Answer : How much does one like?

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Last Answer : Absolutely.

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Last Answer : I carry a stainless steel Klean Kanteen filled with tap water nearly everywhere I go. Does that count?

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Last Answer : Glass. These are expensive, but really nice to use

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Last Answer : http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm Apparently I should be drinking 60 ounces. I don’t drink any water :( Maybe about 8oz a day, if I’m at work. Dang.

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Last Answer : Buy a Brita water filter at the grocery store.

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Last Answer : Tap water generally contains metals such as copper and lead from the piping it goes through to get to your faucet, and the idea behind bottled water is that it does not contain these metals. Bottled ... of no chloride in and the multiple filtering of bottled water it is much safer than tap water.

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Last Answer : Like Water for Chocolate? :-)

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Last Answer : omg, thank god someone is writing something. i’m freaking out over here!

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Last Answer : Apparently, it's now bad to use Listerine at all. From: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,24896583-5001021,00.html Their review, published in the Dental Journal of ... evidence'' that alcohol-containing mouthwashes contribute to the increased risk of development of oral cancer''.