Can you write down the last thing you heard or read?

1 Answer

Answer :

“I hope you have a good time!” we’re watching a DVD

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Last Answer : answer:Penicillin. Hands down. It’s why no matter how much I love history, I never want to actually live in another time unless I can bring a time machine full of penicillin. Except, also, the wheel and the printing press. And The Pill. Really, just everything on this list.

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Last Answer : I wuv you,Snookums-wookums! I had to stop to slap- myself in the face for saying that!LOL

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Last Answer : I mat be a girl, but I’m one of the guys =) First off, let me ask: How old are you? Also: Where do you live? (city, country, suburbs, etc.)

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Last Answer : driving my big SUV, turning all the lights on in my home and leaving them on all day, cranking my A/C all the way up, and every other luxury given to me by this great nation the greatest nation the earth has ever seen

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Last Answer : I do not know how to swim. When I was a young child, we were at Virginia Beach and an undertow took me under and My Daddy could not find me I could not get up from the bottom and just as I was ... me right up to the top since that day I have never wanted to be in deep water without my noodle :)