What do you think is the greatest thing ever invented?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Penicillin. Hands down. It’s why no matter how much I love history, I never want to actually live in another time unless I can bring a time machine full of penicillin. Except, also, the wheel and the printing press. And The Pill. Really, just everything on this list.

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Last Answer : I’ve always had fun playing charades. The hardest one to get? “Macy’s.”

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Last Answer : I’ve never had it happen, but this is one of my favorites.

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Last Answer : I’d call it more of a compromise than a bribe.

Description : Juts curious what is the best date you have ever been on (keep it pg to pg 13)?

Last Answer : My best date was when my husband and I were dating. We went to Annapolis, Maryland for a weekend. He took me out to a fancy restaurant. We were both dressed up (me in a little black dress and him in a ... I loved him) and then went back to our hotel (which was the nicest hotel I've ever been it).

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Last Answer : I haven’t had a haircut (except occasionally trimming split ends) since 1996. the only reason I can think to cut it in the future is if my arms get too old to handle it (probably at least another 20 years or so). At that time, I’ll probably maintain the shaved bald look.

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Last Answer : I was totally at this party with the hottest guy from school and all of a sudden his x came over and dumped water on me after i already had fallen in the pool. I was so upset! I ran about the pool a few times then left.

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Last Answer : I saw James Taylor in Honolulu about 15 yrs ago. He brought down the house, and was amazing. Michael McDonald was awesome too.