What is your favorite piece of art?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:The drawings of Oz & Alice my son draws everyday. Today’s fav is a pencil and ink drawing of Glinda holding Dorothy’s shoulder while the witch is popping up out of the ground.

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Last Answer : answer:You don't. Make money, stop people stealing images - all of the above. There are quite literally tens of millions of photographers since the advent of cheap digital cameras. Even stock ... it won't be easy. Even well established wedding photographers are in price wars with each other.

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Last Answer : LOADS of free info out there. Just google “photo tips” and you’re off and running!

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Last Answer : answer:Hey, BronxLens, way to go. After looking for one, you decided to open your own, huh? Awesome. There are some specific tips from insiders on the Web. Here is ehow. There are several others if you google ... It's a heck of a lot of work, but can be a great joy too. Wishing you much success.

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Last Answer : binding option will make you think about borders. PLAN the whole project before printing.

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Last Answer : I found this but still could use the collectives further input.

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Last Answer : I totally agree with you on this one. jp

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Last Answer : answer:“Pretty cool?” Those are exquisite! I can’t narrow it down to just one. I’ve never seen anything on lookinart.net that didn’t blow me away.

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