What should one expect the first time they ever lose a loved one?

1 Answer

Answer :

The hurt is very deep and sometimes never goes away. You just learn to live with it.

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Last Answer : I unfortunately can’t afford RB2, BUT if I was getting it I would be lost to the world. But my wife plays too so at least I got that going for me.

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Last Answer : Talk to your counselor at school. Generally, if you are a friend to others they will be a friend to you. However, you sound like you have a problem socially and may need a little coaching. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:No. I got there about 20 minutes later. My mother passed away about an hour after the gathered family left her bedside at 1:00 in the morning, and my brother and my niece took the first ... My niece said it was an awesome privilege to be the one beside her and bear witness to the moment.

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Last Answer : I think that in the beginning you still feel shocked, you make up in your mind that they're just not there, not dead, just elsewhere ( I did that when my brother passed away) but as more ... more pronounced you miss them more because now you know they'll never experience all that you have and will

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Last Answer : Well, there was my ex-husband. I know when we separated his behaviour left me wondering if I’d ever known him at all! I was stunned by some of the things he did. It really made me question my ability to evaluate people.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t sound wacky to me.

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Last Answer : Sure, Sighs, eye rolling, pouting.

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Last Answer : I has been working lasar radar on a divided four-lane highway. this road was under construction and the speed limit had been reduced to 45 mph. early one Sunday morning, i clocked a Trans Am speeding ... bulletin board for everyone to see and to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE! they are not laughing anymore.

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Last Answer : No I’m irresistible.

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Last Answer : Yes, amongst others a friend of mine who were very good about relationships, but could not keep one himself…

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Last Answer : I think we all do that from time to time. Right now I’m wondering and the person is 6000 miles away.

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Last Answer : I got my redneck metal loving guy friend to appreciate the opera with this song, still my favorite. I win.

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Last Answer : I never did it but that did it to me…. don’t ask what that did plezzzz don’t ask

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Last Answer : answer:I've always been a really good friend. Every once in a while, I do get taken advantage of, and when it happens, boy does it happen big time. However, I have been told that I bring out ... (mine is named Stella, sorry to anyone named Stella) can shape people up quite nicely, I've noticed.

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Last Answer : It’s weird that in our society, miscarriages are not really talked about. I had a very late one that was quite horrible, and while I don’t know what people said to my husband, I know that no one really talked to me about it. And I was in mourning.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Have you ever loved doing something and the day came where you realized your body would no longer allow you to do it?

Last Answer : Yes. It’s one of the great losses of my life, and every day it feels like I live in someone else’s body.

Description : Have you ever hated a half of a song, but loved the other half?

Last Answer : Yes! I love Damien Rice’s ‘Volcano’ but absolutely hate the bridge. First half – great. End – great. The middle is awful.

Description : Have you ever loved a book but only been able to read it in small doses?

Last Answer : Yes, because I have ADD.

Description : Have you ever broken up with someone you loved very deeply?

Last Answer : Wow…following..

Description : Have you ever been mad at someone and intentionally hurt (physically or emotionally) that persons loved ones' to get back at them?

Last Answer : No.I am a grown up.

Description : Have you ever watched/read something that you loved as a kid (& continued to believe you liked it through adulthood), only now you realize you absolutely hate it?

Last Answer : I don’t absolutely hate them now but, my god, why was I obsessed with the Backstreet Boys? I mean, really?

Description : Have you ever had the experience of being visited by a deceased loved one in a dream?

Last Answer : answer:Nope, never. Sorry :P

Description : Have you ever written a story with a character you would have loved to bring to life?

Last Answer : I’ve written about some characters that I would love to know in real life, but unfortunately one of my problems as a writer is that my most interesting characters are the bad guys. And I wouldn’t really want them to come to life.

Description : Have you ever disliked a teacher that everybody else loved?

Last Answer : I hate a teacher that everyone else hates as well, but that’s not the same now, is it?

Description : If you ever had one or loved someone who had, how did you feel, emotionally, after the abortion?

Last Answer : Do you mean physically or psychologically? Totally different things.

Description : Have you ever loved and not be loved back?

Last Answer : I’ve been there a couple times with girls in college. Eventually I learned it’s only worthwhile if it goes both ways, and made my peace with it.

Description : Have you ever loved something a lot (TV show, movie, band,etc,) then grew to hate it?

Last Answer : Easy question. “Friends”. Used to love it. Now it repulses me.

Description : Have you ever been on a personal growth experience that you really loved?

Last Answer : My entire life has been a personal growth experience! I can’t afford those retreats, and it bugs me that they cost so much. As wealthy as so many of these gurus are, they could be more reasonable with fees.

Description : Have you ever paid a ridiculous amount of money for something that you felt wasn't worth that amount, but, you loved it so much that you had to have it?

Last Answer : Yes some shoes what was I thinking then I didn’t like them!!

Description : Have you ever lost touch with a friend/loved one?

Last Answer : answer:This happens when your young. I had a true, great friend while I was in high school. We were inseparable. We were constant in each other's lives all the way through our early 20s; we even ... you don't hold on too tight, you might find that what remains can evolve into something even better.

Description : Have you ever wanted to seek revenge on someone who hurt you or a loved one?

Last Answer : To be honest with you, I have. Seeking revenge is a norm in human nature, especially in situations where the offender gets to walk away without paying for their actions. Am talking about serious ... colleague of mine got fired after he tried pulling it of again with someone else but got caught.

Description : Have you ever found out something about a long time friend, which shocked the hell out of you?

Last Answer : What does race have to do with which political party that you choose? Anyway I was shocked to learn that a guy from my high school (a very competitive weight lifter, wrestler and track athlete) changed his name from Tony to Gloria and has assumed the identity of a women.