What is a good sum to give my best friend's son for graduating high school, and her daughter for graduating from college?

1 Answer

Answer :

What amount can you afford? I would think 50.00 for high school graduation and 100.00 for college but only if you can afford it. I would just go ahead and give the money to the boy, as the mom will probably give it to him anyway.

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Last Answer : A portrait of myself.

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Last Answer : I don’t tip for the holidays. I tip when the services are peformed.

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Last Answer : We give gifts to our daughter. My wife and I don’t bother with each other. I buy my own toys, she buys hers.

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Last Answer : Wait. He’ll enjoy it even more on his actual birthday.

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Last Answer : My suggestion is you don’t have any money, give him a card with a lottery ticket.