I just got stung by a wasp, I believe, on the inner corner of my lower left eyelid, about 3 minutes ago. I'm not a allergic but is there something I can do to keep the swelling down so I don't look like the Elephant Man tomorrow?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Aw! Nothing as far as I know. It’s been years since I’ve been stung, but it seems to me the swelling only lasts for a few hours. Poor baby!

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Last Answer : ARE YOU SURE THEY ARE BEES AND NOT WASPS..............sound like you have to wait until dark and get a hornet spray at spray them in the dark............don't keep a flash light on them because ... get someone to help you.........try one of those plug in units and see if it will keep them out.

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Last Answer : Time to see a medical person.

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Last Answer : might I add that it feels like I swallowed thumb tacks. Awesome!!!! Please tell me that you have experianced this. I never have. I need to relate on this one. I’m a little worried.

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