I have a black discoloration on the left corner of my bottom lip. It doesn't itch but it burns alot. It feels swollen but it's not. The discoloration has been there for about 1 year and the burning has been there for 2 months and seems internal with no physical signs of a blister. I've been on Lipitor and Toprol for over 5 years. I don't know if this could be a side effect. Any ideas/suggestions? I am 53 years old.

1 Answer

Answer :

Some sort of infection. Go to the doctor and get it biopsied.

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Last Answer : After morning prayers, do some walking, then have breakfast with panta rice, eat rice again at 10 in the morning , have light breakfast at 12.30 in the afternoon , without oily things , after noon , walk for ... o'clock and sleep at 10 o'clock. If you eat less at first , it will get better later .

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Last Answer : You are 21 years old and weigh 49 kg. And this is because of masturbation and nightmares due to which your body is not improving and the body is so weak that the ability to digest food is ... . Eat nutritious food. Eat fruits. If you have a habit of masturbation, skip it. Avoid pornography.

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