How afraid were you on 9/11?

1 Answer

Answer :

I wasn’t afraid. I live in a city, but it is hardly an important city, and I knew there was no real reason to attack here. I do know lots of people in my area who were afraid of an attack though. If I lived in a more important location I probably would have been worried though.

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Last Answer : 2977

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Description : The mean of 8 article was found to be 15. On rechecking, it was found that two article were wrongly taken as 11 and 9 instead of 16 and 14 respectively. Find the correct mean. A) 17.25 B) 13.65 C) 16.54 D) 16.25

Last Answer : D) Calculated mean of 8 articles = 15 Incorrect sum of these 8 articles = (15*8) = 120. Correct sum of these 8 articles = (incorrect sum) - (sum of incorrect articles) + (sum of actual articles) = [120 ... (30)] = 130 Therefore, correct mean = 130/8 = 16.25 Hence, the correct mean is 16.25.