Got anything major coming up next week?

1 Answer

Answer :

Election day and an estimate on cost of two new tires.

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Last Answer : April 19. Milo arrived.

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Last Answer : You asked this question a while ago, but the JCK show in Las Vegas at the end of May is one of the bigger events held during the year.

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Last Answer : answer:Um… all game’s based on TV shows suck. Sorry.

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Last Answer : Try to ignore his this licking behavior when you feel you've fed him at appropriate schedule as usual. Your dog is becoming a spoil dog since it always get everything it wants with this licking habit. I'm ... time he licks his lips means he wants food. There are many reason why a dog licks its lips.

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Last Answer : Wear them in public transport, in airports and airplanes. All the rest voluntarily.

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Last Answer : Answer: (d) Wild Lion

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Last Answer : Document everything (record meetings and correspondence) and throw their dysfunctional shit back at them when they try to blame you for things. Do it every time and do it thoroughly.

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Last Answer : answer:So far, my biggest step was moving away from home at 18 and living on my own. I moved to a city about 6 hours away from my parent's and I didn't know anyone. I only got homesick ... terrified. Never happened again after that though. It was the best decision ever. Btw, good luck to you. :)

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Last Answer : No. My birthday is Dec. 26, a ways to go still but feel free to give me a gift now. LOL

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Last Answer : You see, having a big party is not just stressful, but these additional children will also be hungry and thirsty, so you would have to buy additional cakes and juice. In your current financial situation, I ... in the family, no friends, no decoration, low key. Just make sure to explain to him why.

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Last Answer : They all made right-hand turns.

Description : A co-worker and I had an argument at work. She felt threaten by my statement. I also felt threaten by her coming toward me at my desk when I told her not to come to my work station. I got fired because I she felt threaten and her peers. ?

Last Answer : You may want to file a complaint with your local departmanet of labor.

Description : Is there anything I can do about my information coming up on Google?

Last Answer : Google will not help you with this. I think all you can do is to change your privacy settings on your Minekey account. If there is no option to prevent your personal information from ... that just closing the account would probably not be enough to prevent the information from being searchable.

Description : When is the next iPhone coming out for Verizon?

Last Answer : Each new iPhone has traditionally come out in June at the WWDC, which would mean June 6th. That of course is not set in stone, and I have see rumors that it could be pushed back to fall, and ... considering Verizon is a different situation. Either way, the phone should be out by the end of the year.

Description : Where is your next meal coming from?

Last Answer : My next meal will be vegan tacos. The meal in its entirety came from the Associated supermarket next to our house which we paid for with my credit card. Alex prepared the complementary rice and beans yesterday and the two of us will be the only ones consuming the meal.

Description : Have you heard about the new Google Chrome OS coming out next year?

Last Answer : It means they are taking in Microsoft head-to-head, and if past experience is anything to go by, such competition results in new, better and cheaper apps for us.

Description : What do you think of the first ever he/they Batman coming out next month and why?

Last Answer : [removed]

Description : What do you think of the first ever he/they Batman coming out next month and why?

Last Answer : [removed]

Description : What do you think of the first ever he/they Batman coming out next month and why?

Last Answer : [removed]

Description : What do you think of the first ever he/they Batman coming out next month and why?

Last Answer : Batnonbinaryperson Has a ring to it.

Description : What do you think of the first ever he/they Batman coming out next month and why?

Last Answer : Batnonbinaryperson Has a ring to it.

Description : What do you think of the first ever he/they Batman coming out next month and why?

Last Answer : Batnonbinaryperson Has a ring to it.


Last Answer : I think all movies are out now. I can not find anything on the internet saying that there are plans for another movie.

Description : An employee of a store went up to his manager and said, 'can I go to Paris for a week'? 'Yes,' said the manager 'but remember to show me a picture of you at Paris' 'yes sir,' said the employee. ... clock a big tv and him on the couch. Right away he knew that he had lied. How did he know? -Riddles

Last Answer : The clock was showing the same time as the clock that was sitting on the manager's wall.

Description : There are five acquaintances. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? 1. Dan ran in the NY City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men. 2. Mike ... last computers together. 9. The murderer is Jack's brother; they grew up together in Seattle. -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't ... must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.

Description : Here in the northern hemisphere, fall's arrived, and winter's coming on. Do you do anything special to mark the change of seasons?

Last Answer : I buy egg nog. Got some today.

Description : Why is "coming out" such a big thing in 2012? Does saying that you're gay mean anything these days?

Last Answer : answer:Bigotry and discrimination still exist. People still get killed for being gay or acting' like they are, which generally means outside of narrow gender norms. People still demean them and make them the butt ... to people. I think this limits everyone. But it's the world we have to live with.

Description : Is the iPhone SDK coming out for anything other than OS X 10.5?

Last Answer : Not that I know of. And I wouldn’t expect to see it anytime soon. It doesn’t even work on PPC Macs running 10.5 without a hack.

Description : I got 3 kittens 2 boys and a girl and they were all using the cat litter tray and in the last week the girl has started using all 3 beds instead of the litter box what can i do to stop her?

Last Answer : Perhaps you need separate litter boxes for each kitten. Cats are private creatures.