How do I get rid of Gizmodo?

1 Answer

Answer :

Click on “Privacy preferences” on the left under your Wall photo, and scroll down to “App settings.” There is an edit button where you can set the control to not allow the program, app or whatever it is calle, to access your information. If that doesn’t work, go under Privacy preferences and go to “Notification settings” and edit it out from there.

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Last Answer : Never. Clickbait.

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Last Answer : I believe they go to the same audience. I can’t think of any difference between the two. Unless “timeline” means you are posting it as a life event? but that doesn’t make sense.

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Last Answer : Because I don’t use Facebook

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Last Answer : You can use Facebook Messenger on her original FB listing.

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Last Answer : Either snapshot them or scan them into jpg format.

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Last Answer : You crashed the system. Badass!