Is it normal that I'm the teenager my mother used to be?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s completely normal that you share many of the same aptitudes and interests, and highly unlikely that you’ll be “just like your mother” in any way that you don’t want to be.

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Last Answer : Whatever you do, don’t phrase it like you’re asking for permission. “Mom, I’ve decided to move in with ____.” You can ask her what she thinks if you want in order to keep communication open. Just make sure that she knows it’s not a question, it’s a declaration.

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Last Answer : answer:Mother in law, dur. My mom “knows” me. :P But then you might feel that way because your in laws aren’t cleanly.

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Last Answer : Haven’t played that game. But, I would recommend Tetris Party (Wii Ware), Mario Kart Wii, or Bomberman Blast (Wii Ware) which are all very family friendly and include internet connected game-play.

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Last Answer : thanatos: I am very sorry and might tentatively suggest you go to see him to perhaps mend bridges, finish up unfinished business and if nothing else, say good-bye. You can read up on grief, ... own emotions. Typically, the death of a parent is a violent shock, no matter what the circumstances.

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Last Answer : answer:OK, if you are sure that saying you are sorry is not the right way to go, you can try something along these lines: Mom, I wish that we hadn't argued the other day. I lost my temper and ... that I love you, and I'm going to work hard on making my tone and word choices more even-tempered.

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Last Answer : I didn't interview them , but I did start asking them questions when they got into their late 70s. That is how I found out that my dad's Uncle Jimmy and my dad's grandmother had ... similarstoreis from my mom, but her parents did not talk much about their lives before the moved to California.

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Last Answer : Or is is something that fathers say to shut up kids that they find annoying? Very funny! I can tell you from personal experience with my goldfish pond, that talking attracts the goldfish. If you stand ... Some of the fish are 5+ years old now and quickly indoctrinate the new ones I add every year.

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Last Answer : Another option: Bidet Attachments: Tools & Home Improvement – › Tools-Home-Improvement-Bidet-Att… Results 1 – 12 of 5000+ — Bidet Attachments · Luxe Bidet Neo 120 – Self Cleaning Nozzle – Fresh Water Non-Electric Mechanical Bidet · Bio Bidet SlimEdge Simple…

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Last Answer : I don’t know very many parents that would admit that. BUT< I know parents that have certain children they get along better with than their other children, don’t know if you could classify that as favourite .

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Last Answer : I hate to say this, but Crocs are ugly. Doesn’t matter what color – they just are nasty. They are also pretty much 2015 – way out of fashion. Why do you want them?

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Last Answer : Hi and welcome to Fluther. Do you have any friends that you could rent a room from or find a place where you can just rent a room for a while until you can get money saved up? No one should be a ... get some confidence in yourself. It won't be easy, but you need to take your life back. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Ideal?

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t put it to the level of losing small children on a regular basis. They have ahd one targedy, and perhaps one more in their lives. They didn’t lose the two year old, he walked on a poorly covered borehole.

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Last Answer : You don’t have kids, do you? All the logic and reason you argue really doesn’t happen much in messy, emotionally fraught, real life.

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Last Answer : Mine’s was always borderline edible.

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Last Answer : I have gotten heavy since walking and running have been taken from me. Now I look like my dad.

Description : In what year(s) were your parents born?

Last Answer : My mom was born in 1920 and my dad in 1922. They were respectively 26 and 24 when I was born.

Description : Does Wikipedia in your primary language mention nationality of the parents of the person you are looking up?

Last Answer : I think it really depends on the person you are looking up. I got interested and searched up a french actress Clemence Poesy whom I knew had more to do with the French film industry than the English ... . I just realised that I didn't actually answer your question, so I think I'll stop there

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Last Answer : I was raised that the groom’s parents pay for the booze and the bride’s parents pay for everything else.

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Last Answer : Interestingly enough, while researching this I came across a video of him telling reporters that it could not be changed by executive order. As soon as this video finished another popped up showing him doing exactly ... that will bring it up. Watch the video and then the one that pops up after it.

Description : Is it the custom in any other country besides America to address your parents as ma’am and sir?

Last Answer : We certainly do not.

Description : When a parent wants to take their kids to a psychologist due to "behavior issues," do you think that part of the therapy should include installing a nanny cam in the house for a certain amount of time?

Last Answer : I think you're right about the parent's role in child issues. I went as an unofficial step-parent to meetings at a child rehabilitation center, and it was clear that most of the parents were in denial/ ... isn't going to want the camera, and/or will avoid abusing on-camera if they know about it).

Description : you expect to get a gift from your children?

Last Answer : I don’t expect anything. I raised my children to be their own people…make their own decisions based on their own views. My kids live about 4 states away so gifts are optional in my view. It is nice to get a Christmas or Birthday card, though.

Description : What is on the pro side of teaching the subject a lot of parents don't want taught in school?

Last Answer : Like evolution? Because it is the truth, that is why.

Description : Was this covert sexual abuse from my father?

Last Answer : There could have been sexual abuse and you blanked it out, but what you describe sounds more like gender abuse. He seems to have hated you for being female, and as you grew closer to being a woman, resented ... living with such a mess of a man, but survive you did. A toast, to your inner strength!

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Last Answer : Generally, given natural bonding post-partum, a parent’s. Parental love sees beyond child separation, while much of childhood beyond age four and through adolescence is about establishment of a separate personality.

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Last Answer : Saint Lucia is very mountainous, has terrific sailing and probably pretty good SCUBA. And the food is outstanding.

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Last Answer : You need to quit making everything you say, judgement of others. This question is flame bait.