Can you convince me to finally go to counseling?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:You start by getting to know each other. You’ll be telling your therapist the stuff you just told us. Why are you there? Only you’ll be filling out more of the details. You may not get along with your first therapist. You don’t have to stay with him or her. It is find to keep looking until you find someone you connect with. You’re there, though. Good luck!

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Last Answer : This site gives a very good overview of what steps and requirements are necessary to become a career counselor:

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Last Answer : I have not heard of Thrive Works. My daughter used Better Help and was satisfied overall.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting. Here's my take for what it is worth. The addict starts out with no addiction. Then, they become addicted by one means or another, and enter the realm of the disabled (I wish the ... enabler . One follows the other. In fact, why aren't they called encouragers or reinforcers .

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Last Answer : answer:We have a saying in the construction industry that You can have it quickly, cheaply and done well. Choose any two. I get the sense from the frequency of your posts on a wide range of interests that ... won't matter a damn if YOU can't have them and apply them in your own life. Good luck.

Description : Is free counseling bogus? Should we stop telling people to get help?

Last Answer : answer:They key to Counseling is a real desire to do the work to change one's life. A psychology intern/student may be of help, and a particular case may need more expertise from an ... Counselor is important. By the way, a psychology student working towards a counseling degree is a professional.

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Last Answer : answer:Writing a test is a lot different from taking a test. (They aren't really tests , they are more like surveys of interest.) The writer of a career guide questionnaire need to know why ... is writing the questions and then structuring the scoring so as to be an easily used and useful tool.

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Last Answer : If you have a high school diploma, I don’t think you can have a “do over” and get a GED.