Mmmmm. Hmmmm. Ummmm. Ammmm. Can you come up with a set of words that have only one letter changed but a completely different meaning?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:What is a 9-letter word where you can remove one letter at a time and still be left with a word? Startling L- Starting T- Staring A- String R- Sting T- Sing G- Sin S- In N- I

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Last Answer : “Gay” used to mean joyful. “Pretty” used to mean cunning. “Cancer” used to just mean a disease that involves cells multiplying uncontrollably. Now it also means horrendous or abominable

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Last Answer : well we all have differant accents and I think that has alot to do with it.But in a professional way it is correct way that is in the dictionary.

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Last Answer : Maybe this will help: I’m not sure what kind of line you need, but I’m assuming it’s a diacritical.

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Last Answer : Ululu!!

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Last Answer : tat Tet tit tot tut bat bet bit bot but fan fen fin fon fun

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Last Answer : I cannot read the Japanese. It’s too advanced for me. I can tell you what it is, though. It’s a very hard, thick paper square used to write stylized Kanji on and display. It could also be used for painting sumi-e or ink paintings.

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Last Answer : Trump is not ‘fully exonerated” by the Mueller report. The only ones saying that are Trump, Barr, and their followers. The Mueller letter to Barr demonstrates Trump was not exonerated.

Description : What are some words that you're not sure how to spell?

Last Answer : Missspelling. It’s hit or miss. Miss Spelling. Missspelling. Misspelling. Mispelling. You are welcome.

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Last Answer : Are you referring to only people How about: “rescued” or “saved” – if they are alive. “Recovered” – if they are not.

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Last Answer : This doesn’t answer your specific question, but until you get an answer that helps, can you have a tablet right there with IMDb to give you some idea? Or are you already doing that?

Description : Why must news articles use euphemisms when real words are available?

Last Answer : answer:That’s not gentility, that is accuracy. An expletive is not for gentle ears. Swearing may include “upon my soul you are a scoundrel.” Swearing may be much more easy on the ears than an expletive. And, it is not a euphemism. Euphemistic expression would have been, “he used harsh words.”

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Last Answer : Just off the top of my head. 1 (K)nife 2bom(b) 3 dum(b)

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Last Answer : answer:Disclaimer: from a non-native English speaker. - Cupboard. I can hear some people pronounce cup and board separately. Get the picture? - INsight, not inSIGHT. - Goes. Just decause does is pronounced der-s ... same rule. - Finale. It's fer-na-li . It's not another final with an e .

Description : How many unique words do you speak in a day?

Last Answer : Hundreds. I write at work and hate using the same word more than once. I also have a fairly good vocabulary, and like the precision of using the exact right word. I used 25 different words in the first three sentences.

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Last Answer : answer:Mellifluous (it means beautiful to the ear, or pleasant to hear). Ex: Judy Collins singing voice has a uniquely mellifluous tone.

Description : What words don't exist in French, other than for "daughter" and "wife"?

Last Answer : When I googled it says French has the word la êpouse for wife/spouse.

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Last Answer : Really rough it up like a fuckin cannibal man, go out into the woods with nothing, and live like a savage off of roots, moss… and animals you strangle with your bare hands.

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Last Answer : answer:Actually, left and right can be explained with language and biology. Left is the side of the human body on which the heart is primarily located, and right is the side of the body ... that cannot be adequately explained in words: colors and music are the first two that pop into my mind.

Description : Synonyms or Explanation for the following words?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean “paraphrase”? “The shows are booked to the hilt” means that there are no seats left. “To the hilt” is an idiom. You should be able to discover the meaning of all the other phrases or modified nouns with a few minutes’ work with your English dictionary. They are straightforward.

Description : Easy explanation or synonym for the following words:?

Last Answer : 1) explore 2) incite or urge 3) supplanted or removed 4) a rising star

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Last Answer : Gosh, yes! Hold the paper up so your viewing angle is more from the side than above. Tilt back and forth until the light angle is somewhat slanted. See? When I cross something out, ... are deliberate. Crossing something out, the movements are more casual. Spotting the difference is not so difficult.

Description : Have you often hurt someone's feelings with your words(whether they deserved it or not )and then felt awful?

Last Answer : Yes I told my best friend in university to F off in a chat room and I regret that she did. I haven’t talked to her in 14 years.