Why isn't my school working?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Do you have any contact information for the school? It could be a problem on their end with the site and there may be nothing you can do to fix it. If you have their number, I’d give them a call to see if they know of a problem with the website. If you think it’s a problem on your end, you could try rebooting your system.

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Last Answer : answer:I didn't read the whole rant because it wasn't worth the time. but I did pick this out before I clicked out of it: If you can afford private school (even if affording means scrimping and saving ... school. They made me do 4th grade over, but I made it up when I graduated in 11th grade.

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Last Answer : I don’t know of it being tried, but that’s not to say it hasn’t. I do know it’s a great question and a great idea. I strongly suspect that if tried properly, it would work like gangbusters.

Description : Graphic designers, help! Can someone help me with my design for my high school graduation?

Last Answer : I think it looks great. Simple, traditional and classy!

Description : Any Primary/Montessori school teachers here?

Last Answer : answer:What is your degree in ? ? I had several friends (cousins) that many years ago were trained in Montessori in England and came back to the USA a ran their own school. ... , part-time or distance learning at Montessori Centre International, Europe's largest Montessori teacher training college.

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Last Answer : answer:Most dress codes are made because a few kids or parents make really stupid decisions and without a code, there'd be no legal way to say Don't come to school half naked or dressed like an ... you just referred them to the nurse where they would get a rental green shirt. The end. Simple.

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Last Answer : answer:They could consider cutting athletics from the schools. Solve budget and bullying problems in one fell swoop. Then if parents want to have their kids in sports, they can do so privately, and the school will be able to, you know, teach smart-people things like history and science.

Description : How did they manage to sue a school years later?

Last Answer : answer:Here is one of many articles on the sexual abuse scandal at Horace Mann, a prestigious private day school in NYC. It surfaced 30 years after the fact. You have to examine each event case by case.

Description : Every country has a different name for the various groups of school grades; from high school to elementary school. What's yours?

Last Answer : Ours are the same as yours… the grades differ between Canadian provinces, but by little. Army… not so much.