If your mother is no longer alive, how old were you when she died? How has losing your mom impacted your life?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Mine died almost a year ago when she was about 96.5. My sister (10 years younger) thought that she was going to bury us; the last four years of her life were sad and droopy. She had senile dementia and aching joints and little joy but soldiered on in her own apartment in an Independent living facility with some day care and lots of attention from my sister, bro-in-law and me. We did all her bookkeeping, taxes, shopping, docs’ appointment and general factotum jobs. Until then she had a very good run; 45 years with my father and then over 20 with a boyfriend. They traveled and bopped around until he ran out of steam at 92. For a while it felt as though I had been fired from a job. Now, almost at the year anniversary marker, I am the oldest living member of my generation of the family. She stopped being a mother years ago and recently my joints have started to ache.

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Last Answer : Hahaha parents are divorced. Couldn’t care less even if they were together.

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Last Answer : Yes it is best to have the limited and if she can afford addition then she can ad to it.

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Last Answer : It's mostly western paranoia and puritanical belief. Most girls know how men pee by the time they are a few years old if they are living with fathers and brothers. Strangers peeing is really no different ... fear and paranoia. My daughter showered with her father until she was 4 or 5, no biggy IMO.