Do you let your pets sleep in your bed?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Dawww, my beloved cat used to sleep on my pillow every night :’-( We had a whole routine and she’d start off hanging out on the foot of my bed in the evening, gradually creep up the bed, and by the morning she’d have taken over the whole damn pillow, haha.

Related questions

Description : Do your [uncaged] pets sleep with you?

Last Answer : I’ve tried to leave my dog uncaged so she could sleep with me butt she wouldn’t stop running around and destroying things. My cats are both uncaged and they come and go as they please.

Description : Got any tips or tricks to get a stubborn kitten to sleep in her pet bed?

Last Answer : Cats sleep where and when they want to. There is not any way, barring building a cage to make them sleep anywhere they don’t want to sleep.

Description : Are your pets allowed to sleep on your bed, walk on your table or kitchen counters?

Last Answer : No, No, and No. I don't have pets and when I did they were not allowed to do any of those things. My last dog would not even come into the kitchen, he would stop at the kitchen door and just look in. ... the same rag. Eeewww!. As far as sleeping in the bed, I only know a lot of people that allow it.

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Last Answer : No. I would not. Is it creepy? Unusual might be a better word. And it kinda seems like a lot of work with everything else you’re planning. Letting go is a good thing sometimes. Personally, if anyone wants to venerate my body I’d rather they do it while I’m still alive. But that’s another story…

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Last Answer : Where is the picture?

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Last Answer : answer:I'd say this is just a very unfortunate coincidence. Especially since it's two different types of cancers and because they both had risk factors (not being fixed before first heat, being white) for the type ... dog is not quite a year-and-a-half), so I suppose there's a good chance they are.

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Last Answer : Macula Notare (Latin for marked with a spot) Also Mackie Prince Snoodziwill Petunia Furbelow Poodle The list is endless . . .

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Last Answer : answer:It's a neat idea, but I don't see how it would be practical to create. Ancestry is functional because of birth certificates, wills, land deeds, etc. Some nations are extremely bureaucratic ... that would probably prove difficult. It is a good tradition to launch for your own family, however.

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Last Answer : Unless you have a farm, that’s a good limit. I currently live on my family’s farm and we have about 12 dogs and quite a few other animals.

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Last Answer : No, we get overly attached to them and the cost is way out of proportion.

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Last Answer : I can't imagine life without pets. They're great sources of entertainment and amusement; they're good friends; they can be as frustrating as people on occasion. The sweetest being I've ever known was my dear ... great) pets now, I doubt that I'll ever fill the void left by my sweetheart's death.

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Last Answer : Don’t you dare tell me to stop posting about my pet goose! His name is Merlin and I love him.~

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Last Answer : I’d further like to add that I live only an hour from the organization, if that helps any..

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Last Answer : Depends on the type of mites causing his mange. What’s he look like?

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Last Answer : Dogs would protect us, they know we’ll take better care of them than some animal, but I think the cats would be split somewhere around 50–50.

Description : How do you feel about dressing up pets?

Last Answer : I like animals in their natural state , because I think they look the most beautiful that way. If I'm going to dress up my dog, it's only for utilitarian purposes, like when I take him out for a ... to keep his body warm. But I would never dress my dog in human-type clothing. It's denigrating.

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Last Answer : I can’t think of anything unusual or silly, despite having 4 pets. My dogs are afraid of fireworks, but I think that’s normal.

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Last Answer : answer:My black cat is obsessed with chewing on plastic. I have to hide saran wrap or cellophanes from him, because I'm afraid he will choke. Several years ago he found a condom and choked on it, I had to pull ... for me to turn on the water for him. If I fill the dish, he just turns up his nose.

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Last Answer : deni: Good question… I was just wondering that this morning when my cat didn’t react either.

Description : How have you compromised your life for the sake of your pets?

Last Answer : answer:I put up with begging at the dinner table - never did manage to train that out of the dog. She chews on the miniblinds if she's home by herself and can't see outside to bark at ... termed hangdog expression and an unspoken, insincere promise not to ever do it again, never. That's it.

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Last Answer : answer:An eye is an eye, I would not think it would be an issue. But I'd research more, ask for a second opinion. Most animal pharmaceuticals are derived from human based products. Visine and Clear eyes are ... not mean they can't be used. If your vet said it was okay I wouldn't be too concerned.

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Last Answer : My cats are indoor only, but I notice they are sleeping in the center of the house, instead of along the walls like they normally do. My beagle hates the cold, she doesn't like to go out to the bathroom ... through it with her nose down and flips it up in the air and eats big mouthfuls. It's cute.

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Last Answer : I believe they do.My cat will kick some a$$ if she feels slighted ;)

Description : Is termite extermination safe for household pets?

Last Answer : answer:I'd definitely remove the pets and all their supplies for at least 48 hours. But..I do not know for sure the toxicity issues. I would call your vet and maybe poison control. The exterminators ... dangers, but they are in the poison biz. so I wouldn't take thier reassurances as gospel. lol

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Last Answer : My dog leaves the stove on.really bad habit

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Last Answer : No, they will be back on their neutral territory, and they will revert to previous behavior.

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Last Answer : It's been proven that smoking with a pet harms their health just like it does a human. After all, it's going in their lungs, too. I'd say you'd be doing you & kitty a huge favor by quitting smoking ... just as harmful as smoking yourself. Now's the time to do it, rebbel. For YOUR sake & for others.

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Last Answer : People display their emotions in ways they themselves are often unaware of. Animals and people both pick up on this.

Description : Do your pets have obvious moods?

Last Answer : my dog: craziness

Description : Does the memory of dead pets still bring a tear to anyone else's eye?

Last Answer : I am definitely a cat man but I had a tiny black chihuahua named Chikkita when I was young. She fell off my top bunk one night (she actually jumped off it - she was the kind of dog that would ... the next two days. Eventually I let mum put her down but it still breaks my heart to think about it.

Description : Slipped Disc in Pets?

Last Answer : It is common among the daschunds due to long back. We had one once who herniated a disc; long before the options of canine surgery existed. A sad ending but a quick one at the vet’s. An online site suggested trying to find an animal chiropractor.

Description : Why is the rental agency im renting my house from trying to charge $150 extra on rent for PETS?

Last Answer : I think landlords do it because they can. I always tried to negotiate a higher security deposit so that they would be covered in case my animals did any damage. That seems to me much more fair than charging extra monthly rent.

Description : How much do you indulge your pets?

Last Answer : Not that sad. You really aren't that bad. I've known people who will get completely out of their way to spoil a pet. Like one of my relatives has a dog who they go INSANE over. Their schedule ... bad if he enjoys it, and the same goes for anyone else who love their pets above and beyond the limit.

Description : Do people and pets take on each other's personalities, or are people attracted to pets that are already like themselves?

Last Answer : I think the pet takes on the personality of their chosen alpha. My dogs start out very lively and run around a lot, then eventually slow down to equal my level of activity. I am convinced that if they would have chosen a more lively companion, they would have remained so.

Description : How long would you have to keep a cat indoors until it is reasonably certain that it would come back if let out, and not disappear forever into the wilderness?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea when it comes to kittens. When we adopted my grandmother's seven-year-old cat, we kept him inside for about ten days. We then showed him around the garden using a leash. We did ... to keep it indoors. And then slowly introduce it to the outside world. :-) I hope this helps.

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Last Answer : When did you put the carrier in the car, @gailcalled?

Description : How long do I have to wait after giving my cat a deworming treatment before I can let him share a litterbox with the other cats?

Last Answer : Call the vet’s office in the morning and ask. Without knowing which treatment method(s) the vet used, it is real hard to give a definitive answer.

Description : How do I teach my cat to let me pet her?

Last Answer : answer:Ply her with treats. First start off by giving her a treat when she comes up to you. Then follow up by giving treats each time she lets you pet her for 10 seconds. Move it up to 30 ... time, she climbed the windows trying to get out of the house. She now follows me everywhere like a puppy.

Description : Would you let a cat or dog go free in the wild?

Last Answer : I have found pets let loose in the woods. A 50% chance of euthanasia, with decent food and care, is a much better outcome. However, personally, I seek out no-kill shelters and support them. ... an ecological or health disaster. They prey on other animals and they can spread diseases such as rabies.

Description : Are sheets and bed covers just as clean whether a cat sleeps on them or not?

Last Answer : Well sure, you’re going to have cat hair (the amount will depend on how much the cat sheds), but otherwise it’s fine. As mentioned in the other thread cats are, generally speaking, pretty meticulous about keeping themselves clean.

Description : How to show my kitten that my bed is my territory?

Last Answer : I think cats like to sleep on the bed for two reasons: 1. They like to be up high, when possible, which comes from predatory instinct and a way to stay away from danger. 2. they like to be next to our warm bodies, not on a cold, drafty floor.

Description : Cat peeing on the bed... again... only this time, I'm sleeping in it.

Last Answer : answer:Cats will do anything and trying to understand them is hard so if their behaviour matters you should strernly adress them or move them away from your bed when you see them get near it. All they ... do it immidiately after. Worked on our cat when he was still a kitten after only one try.

Description : Do most cats pick the one inconvenient spot on a bed for themselves?

Last Answer : The spot they pick is convenient for them.

Description : How pathetic is it that I just bought my cat a leopard print bed with an attached face and tail?

Last Answer : You so have to include a picture for this question.

Description : Why does my kitten keep peeing on my bed?

Last Answer : Try leaving your kittens outside your bedroom at night, and during the day time close your door to your room. Now if you live in a normal house this shouldn't be a problem as for an apartment ... get rid of it. Hopefully you were writing this all down and paying good attention. Hope this works.

Description : What can I do to get my cat to stop peeing on the bed and sheets?

Last Answer : answer:Get the spikey stuff that goes under carpets to hold it in place, and put that on your bed when you're not using it (spikes up). A few weeks of that and she should stop the negative behavior ... Once the problem is gone, you can work on making the bed a snuggling place and not a peeing place.

Description : Why does my cat sleep on my feet?

Last Answer : answer:She loves you and wants to make your feet warm. Welcome to ask-public!