Forgotten book title?

1 Answer

Answer :

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness? It’s about a woman who set up an inn. Based on a true story, and made into a movie.

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Last Answer : answer:Gandhi is probably a good candidate. Symbeline, too.

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Last Answer : answer:Say hello and the usual greetings and if that’s enough, let it go. If a chat is prolonged, then, maybe ask the person’s name. Or, if that person is with someone else, chat a little longer and maybe the other person will address your acquaintance by name. That’s what I do.

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Last Answer : No, but I have wanted to lurve people on Facebook. Luckily there is a like button. ;)

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Last Answer : Marshmellows .

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Last Answer : Could it be :)

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Last Answer : Answers from a similar question

Description : What tricks do you use to recall things that you've just forgotten? (e.g. "Shoot, I completely forgot what I was about to say!").

Last Answer : I do this all the time. My method is to stop thinking about it and move on. In a few minutes I usually remember what I was thinking.

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Last Answer : bombs on the georgia washington bridge.

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Last Answer : wow….....~

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Last Answer : Memories.

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Last Answer : I do, many times I want to erase the past, so smoothly.

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Last Answer : If you haven't found a tampon, I'd rather see a gynecologist.

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Last Answer : To find this feature, first enter an incorrect pattern or PIN five times at the lock screen. You'll see a " Forgot Pattern" or "Forgot PIN" or "Forgot Password" button appear. Tap it. Yo'll be be prompted to enter the user and password of the google account associated with your android device.

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Last Answer : Conflicts of the heart- apex

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What does Faulkner say young writers of the day have forgotten about in their writing?

Last Answer : Conflicts of the heart- apex

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Last Answer : Because Truman called it a police action and it never official ended.

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Last Answer : Air

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Last Answer : bad debt

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Last Answer : True