What games should I play with my puppies / What activities should I use to train them ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Do not play games while training , you will confuzle the poor doggie

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Description : Experienced dog owners: how to potty train my almost 8 weeks puppies?

Last Answer : Crate training is usually the best way. Have you tried that? I think it is always harder with 2. Do you put them in separate crates? You can google crate training and get heaps of info.

Description : Do newly spayed puppies really need to be confined?

Last Answer : Give her a few days to heal. It’s very important not to let her be a puppy after the operation.

Description : How long after a mother dog has given birth can her puppies be given away or sold?

Last Answer : 8 weeks minimum. A lot of socializing goes on with puppies and their mother up until this age, not to mention being fully weaned, which should never occur before 6–7 weeks minimum. The ideal age to place puppies is around 10 weeks for optimum heath, both physically and emotionally.

Description : Puppies sick in hurricane - home remedies?

Last Answer : Keep them warm that is key. Also what are they eating? They will need alot of love and attention. They still long to see their mother, it's their instinct, so being around will help calm them down. ... ? Feed them prime time puppy food. Not like cheap 1$ canned foods. Anyhow, good luck! Poor things.

Description : Teacup Puppies - What do you think?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard of them but if your information is correct, this is abominable. Is this legal? It seems like extreme animal cruelty to me.

Description : How do puppies, dogs grow? At what rate? I am trying to get a sense of how big my dog will be. Is there a way to know?

Last Answer : Her eventual size depends on that of her parents. Dogs grow pretty fast, IIRC.

Description : Is it possible to get a "poor quality" (show dog) puppy from excellent (bloodlines) parents, grandparents etc. and does this means that he/she also will continue to give "poor quality" puppies or not?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it's entirely possible. Breeders often (if not usually) cull a number of animals from a litter for poor quality. The lucky ones are sold as pets, with a contract that says that ... be promulgated by further breeding - you don't get ideal breed examples out of less than ideal parents.

Description : What are the Pros and Cons of having two puppies to rear?

Last Answer : It’s makes training easier if you only have one to deal with.

Description : Two Puppies don't get along alone?

Last Answer : I would take them to an obedience class. This is a good age to resolve their issues.

Description : Bone dust for my puppies: appropriate or not?

Last Answer : If you are feeding a high quality dog food, it’s not necessary. In some (especially giant) breeds, excess calcium and/or protein supplementation can cause problems, such as osteochodrosis.

Description : What if my puppies eat a cooked chicken bone... what immediate precautions should I take?

Last Answer : Takes me back to a childhood trama. My dog Charlie choked on a chicken bone. I thought my dad was trying to help him, but he was actually putting him out of his misery. I hope you find a better solution. 45 years later and I’m still tramatized.

Description : What are the wisest tips you could give someone about raising two young puppies?

Last Answer : Love the little bastards.

Description : I've noticed that my twelve year old "puppies" back legs shake from time to time. He still acts "puppyish" and seems relatively healthy, otherwise. Is there anything that you'd recommend for the pain (?)?

Last Answer : You could safely give him aspirin, but I’d check with your vet first just to be sure.

Description : How difficult would it be to train a dog to use a taser?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but this puppy learned to shot in a very short span of time

Description : Do you recommend the use of bark control collar to train dogs?

Last Answer : Ivan Pavlov had some interesting ideas on dog training…..and is probably the basis for the theories you mentioned.

Description : How can I train my puppy to stop peeing in the house?

Last Answer : answer:Persistence. And consistency. It sounds as if you are doing all of the right things. Take her out immediately when you get home and immediately after letting her out of the crate. And remember, at 2 ... , cookies - all of that. If you don't feel ridiculous, then you're not excited enough.).

Description : What are some good resources to teach me to train a German Shepherd?

Last Answer : These books are an excellent resource. If you’re getting a puppy, start crate-training right away, it will seriously enhance your life with your new dog!

Description : How can I train my dog to not sleep up against me in bed after I've fallen asleep?

Last Answer : answer:I sleep on the couch where there’s no room for invasive snuggling. How about leaving the TV on when you fall asleep or rubbing some meat on your hubby?

Description : How do I help train our puppy?

Last Answer : When he nips, say NO!, firmly and immediately, pull him off you and hold his mouth closed with your hand for a few seconds. Mother dogs will do the same (with their own mouths) to puppies that nip or yap too much.

Description : How did you train your dog to let you know that (s)he needs to go out?

Last Answer : Do you have a fenced in yard? I have a doggie door, so mine just goes out when she needs or wants to. It sounds like to me you have to start all over from the beginning again. Start taking ... question too. I see that @Dr Dredd has asked a similar question and maybe there is some good advice there.

Description : Anyone ever owned a Bassett Hound? What are they like? Easy to train?

Last Answer : answer:I have a basset hound, her name is Lady and she is 2. Granted, she is the only dog of this particular breed that I've ever owned, but I have found it next to impossible ... extraordinarily good natured. She adores all other animals, loves people, she is calm and sweet. Excellent companion.

Description : My dog who was already potty trained is suddenly pooping and peeing in the house. How can I re-train him?

Last Answer : …What happened to him at you friends house?

Description : How do I train my dog to fetch?

Last Answer : We have a little female pup. I taught her how to fetch. #1.. I threw the stick. #2.. I yelled “Ladybug” and slapped my lap after she got the stick. Each dog is different. YMMV.

Description : How do I train my dog to quit stopping and smelling every 5 seconds while on a walk?

Last Answer : Why stop your dog from being a dog? Instead, get another kind of pet whose life isn’t intimately concerned with scents.

Description : How do I re-potty train my dogs?

Last Answer : well. when we needed to potty train my dog, i would show her how to do it. which means, go outside in the backyard and do it like she should. To Clarify, My family owns a ... (this method may not be suitable for everyone please check with your local law enforcement regarding public urination)

Description : Do you think it's it okay to hit a dog in order to train him in this case?

Last Answer : I don’t treat my pets that way… But everyone is different. Perhaps he doesn’t understand there are other effective ways to train a lab.

Description : How many months should you crate train a dog?

Last Answer : There is no set amount of time for training. The end result will also depend on the individual dog. I have a 13 year old dog I raised from 4 weeks of age who spent her first year in a ... To date it's been a success. No destructive behavior, no separation anxiety, and no lapses in her housebreaking.

Description : Dog training: What is the best way to train a puppy to walk on a lead/leash?

Last Answer : Does she not walk at all, or does she pull? If she pulls, practice be a tree. The instant she puts tension on the lead, stop. Don't move until she relaxes the lead herself. She'll learn that ... will catch on. The important thing is to be consistent- if she pulls, she doesn't get what she wants.

Description : What is the best way to train a dog to stop barking?

Last Answer : I had a friend who trained her cats to stop doing things by spraying them with a spray bottle full of water whenever they jumped up onto a place they shouldn't be. It's cruelty-free, and it worked with her ... since they don't seem to mind being wet as much as cats do, but it might be worth a try.

Description : How do you train your dog to be a killler?

Last Answer : They put it around/are born from other dogs like this, basically rough it up themselves by just playing rough with it, then eventually teaching it to hurt things, and it's said that when animals get the ... that way but they obviously aren't meant to be if we have to physically make them like that.

Description : Whats the best way to train a deaf dog?

Last Answer : I congratulate you on keeping this pup and would guess that you might need a professional animal trainer. Good luck.

Description : What is the best way to house train a puppy?

Last Answer : Hands-down, Crate training is the best way to train a puppy.

Description : How do I train my dog to not accept food from anyone but me using only positive reinforcement?

Last Answer : What about asking someone to offer her food, and you sharply say NO? Then give her some food and some praise when she does as you ask. Or you could try putting something bitter on the food your friend ... the idea only to take food from you, and doesn't think the food is only bad from one person.

Description : How can I train my dog to stay out of the trash?

Last Answer : answer:I tried everything to keep my dog out of the trash, too! I had basically given up, and then I adopted a dog who's owner had passed away. My first dog was so busy minding the new dog's ... to think he could get away with it alone, and not to bother when there are two possible suspects? Hmmmm.

Description : What are some fun and easy games/activities to do/play with a 3 year old?

Last Answer : Candy Land and Memory were my son’s favorite games when he was that age.

Description : For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and - (1) indulge in vigorous mental activities (2) play games like carrom, chess and cards (3) do right amount of physical exercise (4) do sedentary work

Last Answer : (3) do right amount of physical exercise Explanation: Physical activity is any form of movement that works our muscles and uses more energy than we use when resting. Walking, running ... and lungs healthy. Physical activity strengthens our heart and reduces coronary heart disease risk factors.

Description : For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and (1) indulge in vigorous mental activities (2) play games like carrom, chess and cards (3) do right amount of physical exercise (4) do sedentary work

Last Answer : do right amount of physical exercise

Description : It's time to play Name That Dog!

Last Answer : answer:Rommel. .

Description : Why do 'possums "play 'possum"?

Last Answer : answer:It is strange to encounter one doing its thing, isn’t it? One time I smacked one with a little broom multiple times but it refused to leave my back porch – pretty sure it was growling at me though. It just stood there facing the other way. Weird.

Description : Why do dogs howl when you play a musical instrument (for example, the harmonica)?

Last Answer : My dog never howled when I played the violin. She just sat there looking bored like usual.

Description : How do I stop my Jack Russell from play biting?

Last Answer : I’m not really sure how to stop it, But I think it’s just because you’re the dominant male. Just show him who’s boss.

Description : If you wanted to get two puppies so they could grow up together, would you get them at the same time, or wait until one was potty trained to get the second one?

Last Answer : I would do it one at a time, so the older one could learn the basics first, then help teach the younger one a few things. I would separate them by about six months. And, well, PUPPIES!!!! :-D

Description : When a dog gets sprayed by a skunk do they learn to stay away from them?

Last Answer : I think it depends on the dog. I used to have a goofy Chesapeake who never really got the hang of leaving skunks alone. I should have bought stock in tomato juice companies. All my other dogs have been pretty canny about skunks. Ugh ugh ugh, sorry you have to deal with this.

Description : If you had / have dogs, and were designing a house, would you design stairways a certain way to accommodate them? And how would you do it?

Last Answer : In my experience, dogs learn to manage stairs even if it takes a little while and they get pretty adept at scrambling where they want to go. I wouldn’t worry about designing stairs particularly for them.

Description : Did I help these dogs, or hurt them?

Last Answer : This a huge problem in the warmer places like Florida. People lock their kids and pets in cars parked in lots while they go shopping. 90F outside temps can rise to the 120sF inside a closed car ... to the victims. You saw suffering and you did something about it. Bravo. You comforted the suffering.

Description : Why would a family with children in a Brooklyn apartment have an Italian mastiff (Cane Corso) living with them?

Last Answer : A fighting dog in the house with a bunch of toddlers? S-T-U-P-I-D.

Description : My dog is afraid of balls. How do I get him used to them?

Last Answer : Why would you want to? Is it mandatory that dogs like balls or should have to play with them?

Description : If my dog bites someone that is in my yard, and they hurt him , can i call the police on them?

Last Answer : You can call the police, but, you still might face civil liability. this is called a tort. if your dog is prone to biting humans, you should have a warning signs posted on all four side of ... and a similiar situation occurs, if you are sued, posting the signs in advance will be in your defense

Description : I've heard of animal care services which provide assistance to low-income families with pets. How can I find them?

Last Answer : Call the animal hospitals around you and see if any of them are ok with making payments. Especially the animal hospitals that provide emergency care after hours. I know there is one in my area but ... what you can afford like a donation and some will are ok with payments made monthly. Good Luck

Description : Do dogs really love people, or do they just act in ways that get them food and shelter?

Last Answer : Implicit in your question is the rather difficult-to-define notion of love. If you are willing to accept it as a rather universal cocktail of emotions experienced by many, if not all, mammals ... of seeing eye dogs and especially whether they have acted in ways humans would judge 'altruistic.'