Why is celibacy in the Roman Catholic priesthood a concern of anyone except those who take the vow?

1 Answer

Answer :

Very good question.

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Last Answer : No, it is not fate. It is God providing spiritual care. And I take exception to your continually asking for “Roman Catholic” meanings, as if Catholics speak a different insidious language.

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Last Answer : In the sixteenth century, The Roman Catholic Church had to face many dissents. People had written many books that interpreted the God and the creation in their own ways or as they liked. ... booksellers. The church banned such books and started maintaining an index of prohibited books from 1558.

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Last Answer : In 1517, a religious reformer, Martin Luther, wrote 95 theses criticising many practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. A printed copy of this was posted on a Church door ... according to scholars, brought about a new intellectual atmosphere and spread rapidly the ideas of Reformation.

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Last Answer : (i) Printed religious literature stimulated a variety of interpretations of faith, even among the little educated working class in the early 16th century. (ii) Menocchio, an Italian ... imposed severe controls over publishers and booksellers and began maintaining an index of Prohibited Books.

Description : The Roman Catholic Church began keeping an index of prohibited books from the mid-sixteenth century.' -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) People wanted to know more and more about their religion and about their church. (ii) This made the clergy afraid of the new awakening. (iii) They saw it as a threat to their ... over publishers and booksellers. (vi) They began to maintain an Index of Prohibited Books from 1558 onwards.

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Last Answer : In 1517 Martin Luther wrote Ninety Five Theses criticising many of the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. A printed copy of this was posted on a church door in Wittenberg. It ... cultivating public opinion. Thus the fight for Swaraj was a fight for this freedom than anything else.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Description : What percent of Spain's population is Roman Catholic?

Last Answer : Spain religions roman catholic 68.97 this entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population the major religion in spain has been catholic Christianity.

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Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

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Last Answer : The Metropolitan Church is a Protestant denomination made up of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families and communities. The Catholic Church is not.

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Last Answer : That seems like a false dichotomy. You can reverse the mistake, vow never to do it again and analyze it and learn from it. It sounds more like you’re asking about happy accidents.

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Last Answer : story of my life. I am a great dieter, but unless I have a disciplined plan this is a rearing theme. The big plan starts tomorrow.

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Last Answer : Yes, myself included, but only for a few days at a time, nothing of a long term or permanent nature. It is a great exercise in discipline and self watchfulness, and damn hard!

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Last Answer : answer:So I’m not supposed to tell anyone else what you are studying? Well, in my case, it would hurt the acquisition of knowledge. I couldn’t network people any more. I’d probably become pretty useless.

Description : I have made a vow. Now what can I do so that my wish is fulfilled quickly ?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I have made a vow. Now what can I do to get my wish fulfilled as soon as possible ? How to do it. Tell me in detail. It is very necessary. ?

Last Answer : A vow is to give something in the way of Allah to fulfill a good hope. Or the desire to perform a certain act of worship. So if you vow to donate something and you have it, it is best that you fulfill your vow as soon as possible. And if you wish to do a good deed , then do it.

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Last Answer : Manat. A vow is like a promise. Suppose you ask God for something and promise in your heart that if God gives me what I ask for, I will fast. Now the fast you want to keep is a vow. If ... to be patient and ask for that thing more and more. GOD will surely fulfill it one day. Hope you understand.

Description : I made a vow to Allah. Now what can I do to fulfill the vow ?

Last Answer : The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade making vows. Hadith: Abdullah bin Umar. Narrated from , he said: 'The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade us to ... the stingy person is extracted which he did not want to spend. (Sahih Muslim , Hadith No. 4331)

Description : I have made a vow. What can I do to fulfill it now ?

Last Answer : You have made a vow so you can do it. But always make a vow for good deeds. This is more likely to fulfill your vows.

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Last Answer : Vow means pratanga , oath.

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Last Answer : HA, so this is the first time I've heard that something like this exists. Now I googled it and found exhaustive information quite easily. However, it does not concern me, I am not married and I would not go to any recovery with my exotic. Good question, it broadened my horizons. :)

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Last Answer : General Douglas MacArthur.

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Last Answer : Maintains his independence

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Last Answer : Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial ... law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.

Description : How did Roman law protect those accused of crimes?

Last Answer : Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial ... law gave every citizen the right to a trial.Roman law gave every citizen the right to a trial.

Description : Ontario Catholic schools changing the names of gay-straight alliances... What's your take?

Last Answer : answer:My guess is that Catholics don’t want to be associated with anything with “gay” in the name of it. It sounds like condoning the activity. I have to say this is fascinating. I didn’t know there was state-sponsored religion in Canada. Does that ever bother anyone there?

Description : WHY would anyone become a Catholic?

Last Answer : Is this a good source? I’ve never heard this before.

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Last Answer : A. Take the denture off for a week

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Last Answer : No. What if they had a medicine that can stop boys racing hormones? Would that be better?

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Last Answer : Not at all, even superficially.

Description : Catholic priests have been molesting children for years and it is hidden from the public. Two nuns embezzle money and it’s all over the news. Do you think they should be given a pass also?

Last Answer : Nuns are not as good as cover-ups as priests are. I think that to be a successful criminal, you need to be as good at covering up your misdeeds as you are at doing the misdeeds in the first place ... ever want to be seen as equal to men in the Catholic hierarchy, they have to be just as scandalous.

Description : What is the most likely cause of Catholic priests’ sexual abuse of children?

Last Answer : Celibacy and the power differential.

Description : Are all Catholic boys expected to be altar boys?

Last Answer : No. Out of about 20 boys in my third grade parochial class, only 6 or 7 of us became altar boys. Most only did it for a couple years.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that’s more a fringe benefit than the purpose. They did add that division in the middle of the confessional booth in order to prevent hanky-panky between confessors and the members of their flock.

Description : Should Catholic baptisms of infants be discouraged?

Last Answer : answer:Baptism is not just for Catholics. I don’t think it should be discouraged. Parents give their children guidance as they feel is appropriate with their children and then when the child is old enough, they are free to change religions if they want to.

Description : I attended my first Catholic funeral today and I was wondering what the different parts of the service convey?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s a description of a Catholic funeral mass. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Catholic_funeral

Description : Anything I should know or show special respect to at a Catholic Funeral?

Last Answer : You should know that they changed the response to The Lord be with you to And with your spirit . So you'll probably hear that a lot. You'll also hear other people use the old And also with you ... You won't be expected to participate, but it'll be pretty obvious what's going on if you choose to.

Description : In what ways was the Lutheran Reformation different from the Catholic Reformation?

Last Answer : It’s hard to say. There are more similarities in this case. Hmm… How about the Luteran Reformation wasn’t under Spanish rule? Something tells me the Lutheran Reformation was going on predominantly during the Gothic periods as well… My art history is blurry. Oh well good luck

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Last Answer : I read the article and a thought just hit me…....where were these schools, when Afro hairstyles were the fad? I see nothing wrong with any hairstyle, as long as it’s kept clean and neat.

Description : concerned about the catholic minority in maryland -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Concerned about the Catholic minority in Maryland, Leonard Calvert ordered the Second Lord Baltimore to make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith quietly and privately.

Description : Which of these was a result of the growing anti catholic feeling and mistrust of immigrants?

Last Answer : The creation of the Know-Nothings...apex

Description : What is a Christian A.K.A Catholic?

Last Answer : A Christian A.K.A Catholic is a person that Believes in God and listens to prophets or is a prophet that does not dis-respecd God the Holy Trinity The Father The Son And Holy Spirit

Description : Is Peyton List a Catholic?

Last Answer : No, she is not catholic she is a proud Mormon.