What is the most likely cause of Catholic priests’ sexual abuse of children?

1 Answer

Answer :

Celibacy and the power differential.

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Last Answer : Nuns are not as good as cover-ups as priests are. I think that to be a successful criminal, you need to be as good at covering up your misdeeds as you are at doing the misdeeds in the first place ... ever want to be seen as equal to men in the Catholic hierarchy, they have to be just as scandalous.

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Last Answer : answer:Um. Well, I guess it depends on how serious the charges are. Sometimes people get jailed for “abuse” when it’s not really. Also, how old are the kids? I don’t think total honesty is necessary all the time for younger children.

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Last Answer : answer:Absolutely. edited for poor spelling Oh, and also - I'm a survivor myself, and I can't stand seeing other kids suffering. I know I can't save everyone, but in this hypothetical situation, there's ... adopt a few children at some point in the future. My husband and I both want a large family.

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Last Answer : I have two daughters, one 28 and one 12. I raised my older daughter to be vigilant about the signs of impending abuse, and I have begun speaking to my younger daughter about never taking any shit from a boyfriend.

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Last Answer : answer:Baptism is not just for Catholics. I don’t think it should be discouraged. Parents give their children guidance as they feel is appropriate with their children and then when the child is old enough, they are free to change religions if they want to.

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Last Answer : I really hope you’re kidding.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that what is shown in those photos is not overt sexuality but a manufactured form of sexuality which I would not want for my children. However, I do not think there is anything ... . That having been said, I would rather have an overtly sexual child than an overtly violent child.

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Last Answer : answer:You have to demonstrate a reason for your request. Accusing someone of sexual abuse is a serious charge; you have to show why and how you know it is happening. You may only get a temporary ... go on. Issues like this, when brought up for the first time in a custody situation, are questioned.

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Last Answer : A deposition is standard procedure in a court case. They are going to try to establish the facts as you present them. It can be intimidating to go through.

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Last Answer : answer:I believe Dylan was molested by Woody Allen. If you look at his history, his movies and even the people he dated (many of them) were children. When he was in his 40's he had a ... seem to feature a grown man having an affair with a teenager. Did you ever see his movie Manhattan ?

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Last Answer : For a long time, I did, because he was always at family events. At some point, though, I realized it was making me crazy, and I finally said no more! If he was attending, I didn't go. ... I missed having Christmas at my grandparent's house and such, but it was definitely better for me to cut ties.

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Last Answer : I would go to the authorities in either situation… but get the hell away from there first!!! The person must be stopped

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Last Answer : Whether a 17-year-old girl can legally have sexual intercoursevaries from one jurisdiction to another. The "age of consent" istypically between 16 and 18 years, in most jurisdictions.Also, ... some cases, such as the United States,individual states (or other regions) within the country.

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Last Answer : I cannot answer this question.

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Last Answer : the male power in society lead sexual abuse is male dominant.

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Last Answer : That would be correct.

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Last Answer : Call Catholic Charities North 280 Washington Street, Salem, MA - (978) 740-6923

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Last Answer : Answers-5 This patient has tooth erosion associated with hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis and hypocalcaemia. This suggests a diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism. Conn's is unlikely in this age group, is ... raised alkaline phosphatase would not be expected. Early pregnancy would not fit this picture.

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Last Answer : Only the priests know what is in their hearts and only they have to answer to God for their sins.

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Last Answer : No. Wait for the official statement. I think that the pope will route out those in the priesthood that have uncontrolled sexual feelings.

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Last Answer : I would think both.

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Last Answer : ask fluther instead.

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Last Answer : Vedas is the answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : In Act V Laertes thinks that Ophelia should have a better funeral service. What is the priest's answer.?

Last Answer : She's lucky to have a funeral at all. She was suspected to be asuicide (and very possibly was) and they were not supposed to beburied with any sort of Christian rite. In light of her highstation, the priest has bent the rules already. He says he can'tbend them any further.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer