Have you ever had a mentor? Who has been your Merlin, your Gandalf, your Dumbledore?

1 Answer

Answer :

My grandpa and my mom. In university, my Philosophy professor Dr. Philip Merklinger. He told me to not to let the bastards grind me down… and my mom is still teaching me to pick my battles, my grandpa taught me that even mosquitos need to eat.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Who was your favorite Mentor?

Last Answer : Not a person but a collection of books called Value Tales, And not to forget cat in the hat preschool books.

Description : Any tips on being an effective mentor?

Last Answer : answer:This can be a tough age group. Are they responsible kids who show up for work on time, work hard, and are customer friendly? If they are then continue to encourage that. Hopefully they are ... good work, and keep your sense of humor, remember, they are HS and College kids after all :)

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Last Answer : A video game? A book of the sort the boy likes to read? A trip in a hot air balloon?

Description : Are you somebody's protégé or mentor?

Last Answer : Nope. Nor should I be.

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Last Answer : Pfft, if any jellies had a DIRE NEED to learn how to transcribe and play video game music on the piano, train their pokemon to perfection, photoshop a picture, do a derivative, or diagnose a kidney stone, I’m their go-to girl.

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Last Answer : answer:A still-living 93-year old friend who has bestowed upon me the wisdom of his observations. He lost his wife Thursday night. One of his favorite lines is, “Now, be nice to that person in the mirror.”

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Last Answer : I collect opinions from many people, including the internet, and then I make my decision. I don’t have a person in my life that is so knowledgable that I can go to them for everything.

Description : Is it appropriate to go to a top level manager in your company whom you admire and ask them to mentor you?

Last Answer : I would say it depends a lot on how asutute your abilities are to read people. In and of itself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is the various reactions of all the players, including your boss, ... making your final decision. If it's worth it to you, then hell, yeah, I'd go for it!

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Last Answer : Three steps: 1. Be Awesome 2. Network 3. Be Awesome

Description : Where can I get a Web mentor?

Last Answer : IRC is great, most projects have a channel on irc.freenode.net. I assume they'd be #drupal, #wordpress and such. For PHP you might want to use a framework (like Zend Framework) with lots ... own IRC channel (which would be #zftalk for Zend Framework). And of course the documentation from php.net.

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Last Answer : In an odd sense, yes. I ran into someone a few years ago that answers my questions with clues, riddles and certain looks. This person has become quite a mystery but I think it’s part of the teaching or enlightenment.

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Last Answer : My father is my mentor and I met him at birth. I look up to him because he’s the kindest, most honest man I know. He’d do anything for me and I’d do the same for him. He’s the perfect model of fatherhood and of a human being.

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Last Answer : write the way they want you to write, but still add your own twist

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who was Bruce's mentor?

Last Answer : Ip Man there are 2 movies based on Ip Man life and is creditedwith being a young Bruce Lee mentor

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Last Answer : Socrates was his own mentor - learning from discussions with theyoung men he mentored.

Last Answer : an employee who is in charge of training a junior employee, unlike his superior, has neither the authority nor the responsibility of something like an internal trainer, auditor and coach at the same ... they are totally useless, but who is afraid to throw away because they know something about them

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the name of Larten Crepsleys mentor in Cirque Du Freak A Vampire Prince?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer