Can a married teacher like his student?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Yes. It is possible. You should know that it happens a lot, and that responsible teachers do nothing about it. If a teacher is irresponsible enough to try to push it further, that tells you the teacher is not a person of good character. Do not be flattered. It is not a good thing.

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Last Answer : Yes, if he/she is human it is both possible.

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Last Answer : I am confused that you didn't check this out before you declared your major. I suggest you talk to the teacher ASAP and come clean. Explain exactly what you have told us here. It might be fine since it ... . You may even be able to have it expunged if you contact an attorney. It WAS 10 years ago.

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Last Answer : Better than cabbies, I think. Better than bus drivers I think. Trucker? IDK. Have to ask Squeeky on that one. Hour per hour, I think plumbers make more BUT…if they aren’t working they don’t get paid.

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Last Answer : answer:It never occurred to me to do that when I was teaching. I don't think it is allowed; if it is, I never knew how to do it. I assume that federal privacy laws would apply. Those ... done in a specific prior class, but that was usually in the context of advising them about future course choices.

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Last Answer : answer:Most definitely they are and that is wrong, because they are molding the future. I wish teachers in the USA were honored, venerated and revered, the way they are in Japan. They certainly deserve to be treated that way; at least most of them.

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Last Answer : (d) polyploidy.

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Last Answer : You suggest him to make a temporary platform of bricks with the help of students

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Last Answer : No, not abuse in any way, shape or form. Your teacher was, most likely, just sharing the results of your test. There are plenty of gifted under achievers out there and it’s your own fault if you can’t apply your intelligence in your life and career choices.

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Last Answer : Miss, I forgot to do my Homework again!

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Last Answer : c) Convince his father by telling the importance of such educational and cultural trips

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Last Answer : D) has genuine interest in his student. 

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Last Answer : C) You Would Consult Other Books Concerning With The Scientist And Then Teach The Lesson To Student. 

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Last Answer : D) Sometime Low And Some Time High

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Last Answer : C) To Know Whether The Students Are Understanding The Lecture Or Not. 

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Last Answer : B) A routine for rewarding students who finish work promptly is not in place.

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Last Answer : Students imitate his teacher's behaviour

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Last Answer : A) Extend reasonable help and boost his morale 

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Last Answer : (B) Empathy

Description : Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher's house for the purpose, the teacher should (A) contact the student's parents and solve his problem. (B) ... him to meet the principal and solve the problem. (D) extend reasonable help and boost his morale.

Last Answer : (D) extend reasonable help and boost his morale. 

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Last Answer : (B) tell them about himself in brief

Description : Husband and wife decide to have children late to finish school ? I am a female doctor. I am currently doing an internship. As a student, I got married. But I haven't had a child yet. I am ... I can finish this high quality internship (i.e. become a graduate). This delay is only until the study.

Last Answer : Alhamdulillah. There is no objection if the spouses agree or agree to use any particular contraceptive for a specified period ; They have this right. Although we do not generally consider birth ... like eye treatment or ear treatment or dental treatment will probably be justified. God knows best.

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Last Answer : The guidance given in Islam regarding marriage can be inferred from this hadith. The hadith is ; يَا معشر الشباب من استطعع منكم البأة فاليتزوج Bukhari Sharif Hadith No. 506 , Muslim Sharif ... to get married after building a career by reducing the addiction to adultery according to Islamic rules.

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Last Answer : A) Empirical evidence favours the married teacher 

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Last Answer : The student had said he would study when he got a round tuit .

Description : If a girl student requests you to collect her posts at your address what would you like to do in this case? Options: A) You would not give permission as it is against your own principles B) You ... because as a teacher you should do it D) You will permit her because you have some attachment with her

Last Answer : A) You would not give permission as it is against your own principles 

Description : What’s appropriate regarding a teacher touching a student?

Last Answer : Not appropriate at all at that age. Someone (not necessarily you) should raise it with the teacher and the touching should stop. His job could be in jeopardy otherwise.

Description : What do you feel about student led parent teacher conferences?

Last Answer : You can’t mean that. If you do, then why are the teachers included?

Description : Teacher-student friendship/relationship?

Last Answer : What could possibly go wrong? Honestly though, it’s one thing to offer to help and it’s another thing to actually do something. Give one of them a call and I bet one of two things will happen. They’ll either try to “get with” you or they’ll blow you off.

Description : Can a teacher see if a student views posted material on the Black Board?

Last Answer : Without knowing what site or program you are using, I don’t see how anyone could possibly answer this.

Description : Who said, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear"?

Last Answer : Buddha?

Description : What should a teacher do re student cell phone use in the classroom?

Last Answer : answer:it is very straightforward. A teacher comes to class prepared to teach; his or her students have the same obligation and that does not include using cell phones. The teacher announces that ... and set the standards. Students can take classes in goofing off elsewhere for a much cheaper fee.

Description : What's the deal with student/teacher relationships in college?

Last Answer : answer:I can’t imagine it NOT being a problem. A professional teacher would not get involved with his/her student. Even if they’re close in age, it’s inappropriate and unprofessional and I’m sure against the rules. Just because it happens, doesn’t make it right.

Description : How should I approach this subject with my student teacher?

Last Answer : If you want to course-correct him, he needs confrontation. Either you do it, or his advisor – whichever would be more effective. If you don’t much care what happens to him after he leaves, save it for your evaluation.

Description : When a teacher is physically attacked by a student can they defend themselves or not?

Last Answer : I think when attacked anyone should have the right to defend themsevles. This kid is old enough to hurt someone severely and even kill the teacher this size, I think though the teacher should do everything in her power to prevent having to do bodily harm by calling security.

Description : Whats a good way to impress the supervisor and the teacher I will be student teaching soon?

Last Answer : be yourself

Description : How close should a Student-teacher Relationship be?

Last Answer : what teacher?

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Last Answer : What’s the subject/grade of the teacher?

Description : Have you ever heard a teacher tell a student something factually incorrect? If so, what?

Last Answer : that the dollar bill is backed up by gold

Description : In Marks column of ‘Student’ table, for Rollnumber 2, the Class Teacher entered the marks as 45. -Technology

Last Answer : UPDATE Student SET Marks = 50 WHERE Roll number = 2;