Would you please share something beautiful with us?

1 Answer

Answer :

To me, nothing is more beautiful and relaxing then watching the sunset.

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Last Answer : For a time. Just long enough until I find a fan devoted enough to pay a lot of money for it. Though I doubt that Bush’s dog paintings qualify as “beautiful work of art”.

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Last Answer : answer:I love the shape of my home-country, Australia New Zealand’s shape is also beautiful

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Last Answer : answer:Art is one of the most subjective things in the world - and visual art, like music, architecture, and literature, is thoroughly dependent on the person viewing (or hearing) the art. For example, I ... is that there is no such thing as most beautiful work of art', because it's all subjective.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes Yes Yes and Yes IMHO They are slimy though, I’ll give you that.

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Last Answer : my art is like my life; I have a general idea of the colour and shape i want to create, but generally i make mistakes, some big, some small that force me to alter the picture slightly…and it still turns out beautiful…and generally more beautiful than i could have originally envisaged

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Last Answer : answer:“Pretty cool?” Those are exquisite! I can’t narrow it down to just one. I’ve never seen anything on lookinart.net that didn’t blow me away.

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Last Answer : Judging from the comments on IMGUR, I’ll probably just go with the Doctor Strange one, considering how many people think Captain America looks like Putin

Description : Are there any artists here (of any experience level) that want to share their artwork?

Last Answer : Nice job..). Tiger is looking weak to me or young may be..)

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Last Answer : I painted my avatar.

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Last Answer : You could look in this book, or check out this by Peter Max.

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Last Answer : answer:You would look beautiful in that dress with a sugar skull face!!! Big hair and a beautiful flower in your hair. Like a messy half down, half up tendrel look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMeN_08Uskg

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Last Answer : Well, the biggest factor is really going to be: is it open. We spent six months trying domains before we came up with Fluther.

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Last Answer : Pin cushions stuffed with steel wool are firm like this.

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Last Answer : answer:I like biographies. Feats and discoveries would be cool, too. The symbols like the Eagle and Columbia are good. I guess I don’t care, but it should be consistent, and right now we have famous people. The change I would like is some way for blind people to differentiate bills.

Description : Artists, have you ever created something you thought was original, but it turned out that it wasn't?

Last Answer : I haven't, personally, but that happens a lot asking my partner's crowd. He is a musician. You wouldn't believe how many local kid bands accidentally rewrite well known 80s and 90s thrash and death ... focused on their own desire to be famous they can't do due diligence and study their own genre.

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Last Answer : if it is not plugged in to anything, there is no electricity going through it and you won’t get shocked. It looks like you could get it apart with a Philips head screwdriver.

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Last Answer : answer:The expanding foam is used as a casting medium and it's not the sort of casting you start out with. Obviously a project like this takes lots of time and experience and I'm sure even ... area to help learn techniques. Theater tech and prop-making techniques would also be a good place to look.

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Last Answer : Yes Absolutely! That is how all these wonderful recipes were invented, Remember a recipe is only a guide..Playing with food can make for wonderful new and interesting dishes :) The other day I didn't ... huge bowl of maserated strawberries it was delicious! Now I want to try your sandwich YUM!! :)

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Last Answer : I feel tht it is important to consider the recipient, but to honor your own artistic sensibilities at the same time.

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Last Answer : You simply must stand up for yourself and your art and your time and let people know – if they’re not artists, they don’t know.

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Last Answer : Put it in your profile.

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Last Answer : Masking tape. Hey, it answers the question of “cheap”. Maybe you’d like to reframe the question.

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Last Answer : Go to your local community college and put an ad on a bulletin board in the art department and in the computer/tech department.

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Last Answer : Trix is for kids. I say live and let lurve.

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Last Answer : You can most definitely learn to draw. Just like you can learn to play an instrument. I've been able to play piano by ear since I was very young, however I know tons of people who are much better ... taught to play. It just depends on how patient you're willing to be, and how dedicated you are.

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Last Answer : Well, I think most of my projects just require time and few hundred dollars right now. Some of those projects could develop into businesses which would then require a larger infusion of cash, but they need to start as projects first.

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Last Answer : answer:This was my idea for the next Ask-public T-shirt. Do you honestly think my process involves anything but large quantities of alcohol?

Description : Let us see your trolling in action?

Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : answer:There’s a healthy network of cartoonists in Seattle that I know of, but artists are running into the same problem as all content providers in this day of expectations of free content. Check this out.

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Last Answer : answer:My favorite is the juxtaposition of the famous painting, The Fall of Icarus and W.H. Auden's equally famousl poem about it, Musée des Beaux Arts. The large canvas (29 x 44 ), which ... painting, called Landscaope with the Fall of Icarus I return to this poem and this painting all the time.

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Last Answer : No, I don’t think he is a caricature at all. I am not sure what you are getting at with the art. Hitler was a tragically flawed insane person who by taking advantage of his times and people’s weaknesses became a monster who killed millions. Even monsters can have hobbies.

Description : You are travelling in far-off places of India through advanced Railway's reservation. When a lady enters with a request to give her a seat, what will be your reaction? Options: A) You refuse ... her to sit for same time D) You will leave your seat and make alternative arrangement for yourself

Last Answer : C) You will ask her to sit for same time 

Description : In what ways are you getting better at your craft or talent?

Last Answer : I have almost completely mastered the art of being a cat; it took me a few lockdowns but now I sleep around 16 hours per day. Almost as much as my cat. My other hobby, photography, is going downhill. I’ve noticed that if one doesn’t keep shooting, one loses some knowledge. One = I.

Description : Other than modern PCs, what other products are intentionally transparent, so that you can see the machinery inside, for aesthetic reasons?

Last Answer : The glass frog.

Description : What books would you recommend I read to get an idea of world history and art history?

Last Answer : Joseph Campbell wrote really interesting histories about mythology, which is sort of the intersection of world history and art history. They are very detailed but readable. You get a good sense of how ... are linked, how stories spread and change, and what the major events that shaped culture were.

Description : How many pictures hang from the walls in your home.

Last Answer : 14. Some paintings. Some needlework. Some photographs.

Description : What's your favorite style, medium of art?

Last Answer : I am not an artist; I am only an onlooker. Recently, I have come to appreciate watercolor. When I was younger, I was not much of a fan. Pencil also is incredible for realistic artwork. ... make such beautiful pieces. I want to make little things like small dishes and Chanukah menorahs. Gifty items.

Description : How would you represent magic in a painting or drawing?

Last Answer : Nested, rotating and glowing hexagram-like circles on the ground, and levitating debris.

Description : Where and how is the best way to advertise my NFT collection?

Last Answer : Try Etsy, Pinterest, or ebay, or craigslist.

Description : Is this drawing any good?

Last Answer : Love it!

Description : Have you heard of of this art competition ?

Last Answer : No but it sounds cool.

Description : Have you ever cried while viewing artwork at an art museum?

Last Answer : I’ve never shed tears, but I’ve felt very strong emotions when confronted with gorgeous paintings. I’m glad you shared your experience with us.

Description : Advice for a beginner in painting?

Last Answer : Your question says painting, but your details say drawing. Drawing does come first. There are books and videos that can help, but nothing beats in-person instruction. And practice is the most important thing.

Description : Have you seen the BBC series "The Power of Art"?

Last Answer : Haven’t seen it, but from the preview in your link looks like it’s worth watching. And as far as the take on biographical material, artists lives have been sensationalized since Vasari started hyping his heroes in 1550. Critical watching skills are as useful as critical thinking ;)

Description : What kind of contrast is there between fern green and yellow green?

Last Answer : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shades_of_green

Description : Can I use primer on a cardboard box before using acrylic paint? And is using primer/gesso necessary in this situation?

Last Answer : As we advised on your earlier and very similar question, just take some other piece of cardboard and try it out.

Description : Could you recommend a painting course for me?

Last Answer : I believe the entire Bob Ross collection is up on Youtube .