Best night ever?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s hard to say if it was on a vacation, or a concert, or a holiday, or a party or a date. At my age, there have been so many memorable occasions LOL. It’s like the Autobiography of Ms. Jane Pitman.

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Last Answer : I saw James Taylor in Honolulu about 15 yrs ago. He brought down the house, and was amazing. Michael McDonald was awesome too.

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Last Answer : When I fluthered. Also, swimming in a public fountain with about 20 other people. It was not a large fountain. It looked pornographic.

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Last Answer : Yes. I did, once, with my son. He invited me to go to a rave with him when he was 16, and I went. - I did it to understand what the experience meant to him. - I didn't like the ... there were one of the most meaningful experiences I have had as a parent of teenagers. It changed my view of things.

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Last Answer : I've had one surprise party thrown for me by a few friends before I went off to college. Nothing fancy, but really nice. They cooked me a vegan pizza, and made me presents and gave me some ... , but just because I think they are awesome people that deserve to be appreciated every once in a while.

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Last Answer : It’s from an old anti-littering campaign.

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Last Answer : Could this be the game you’re talking about?

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Last Answer : Lemon tea is great, haven’t had any in awhile though.

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Last Answer : Hawaii on my honeymoon.

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Last Answer : Anything about sports statistics, teams trading players, stuff like that. Most car discussions are of little interest to me. Discussions about designer handbags, designer jewelry, stuff like that is of little ... won on American Idol or TV singing and dancing contest shows is of zero interest to me.

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Last Answer : I remember chocolate chip cookies in college.