What can I eat when I take my medicine at bedtime?

1 Answer

Answer :

Tonight, I’ll have a piece of cheese toast.

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Last Answer : answer:To keep your skin looking young, avoid too much sun exposure (you need some), wear sunscreen and drink lots of water. Your skin will thank you. For a good night's rest I try not to drink ... a warm bath, warm milk or those types of things to get your body and mind into the bedtime mood.

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Last Answer : I thought that it was only in movies that parents did that…

Description : Fellow Parents: I'd like some advice for ditching the bedtime bottle habit?

Last Answer : answer:You throw all away all the bottles in the house and realize that it's going to be really shitty for a few days. She'll get over it. There really is no other way. The longer you wait the ... bag for you already). Also, I recommend a book. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. It saved our sanity.

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Last Answer : I don’t know if the one I have in mind is appropriate, but I always like “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde. (It’s pretty short)

Description : Fluther Parents. Will you share your bedtime rituals?

Last Answer : I read them a story or have them read me a story. Then I act like I'm gonna kiss them on the cheek and pretend to miss and say Oh no, I missed .. then on the third try I kiss em on the ... before bed and they ask for me to do that every night now.. It does not, however, work on my wife.. XD

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It sounds like a wonderful father/son bonding time.

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Last Answer : I'll try. But I might get distracted and just pet it.

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Last Answer : Under their covers.

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Last Answer : Having sex in the morning is better for your body. Sex, like exercise helps to burn off calories. Exercising in the mornings burns more calories than at before bed.

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Last Answer : Bedtime is a common noun. It is also not capitalized unless itis part of a title (Bedtime Stories), or the first word of asentence.

Description : Is bedtime a noun?

Last Answer : Bedtime is a common noun. It is also not capitalized unless itis part of a title (Bedtime Stories), or the first word of asentence.

Description : Bedtime habits?

Last Answer : InformationWhen putting an infant to bed:Make the nighttime routine consistent and pleasant.Give the last nighttime feeding shortly before putting the baby to bed. Never put the baby to bed with a bottle, as ... child will soon learn that you are simply in another room.If your baby awakens in the

Description : Why do you have to eat something when you take medicine or vitamins?

Last Answer : answer:Because your stomach isn't much designed to digest raw minerals and vitamins or medicine. Oh and also coffee is acidic and its bad for your stomach (and pretty much every other part of your ... make their way into your blood stream and body faster, as your body will send food through quickly.

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Last Answer : It is due to your gastric or indigestion. You should not eat food fried in oil , open food outside. Don't eat gastric food, don't eat flute food. Tab.pantonix 20mg 1 + 0 + 1 আগে ... without informing the doctor. If necessary, the doctor can change the dose. I hope you will be released inshaAllah.

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Last Answer : Eat first 3 days in the morning and night. If you still do not find a solution to the doctor's advice.

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Last Answer : You are 21 years old and weigh 49 kg. And this is because of masturbation and nightmares due to which your body is not improving and the body is so weak that the ability to digest food is ... . Eat nutritious food. Eat fruits. If you have a habit of masturbation, skip it. Avoid pornography.

Description : What can't I eat with my medicine?

Last Answer : Wow, I would think the doctor that prescribed your medicine would have told you or at least given you a list of things that you could eat with it.

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Last Answer : maybe i’m stupid, but why wouldn’t it be?

Description : I am taking homeopathic medicine , now I can eat cow's milk or packet milk , dates or raisins ?

Last Answer : Of course you can eat. We have an idea that we can't eat a lot of food just by taking homeopathic medicine. This is a misconception. Allergies to certain foods are only recommended for certain diseases. There is no problem with milk , dates or raisins. You can eat.

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Last Answer : Move properly. If you have bad habits, quit. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. Eat more protein , calcium , vitamins. According to the doctor's advice, take Square Company's multivitamin tablet ... If you have problems with gas, you can take gas tablets or Carmina syrup from Hamdard company.

Description : No food tastes good , why does everything taste bad ? I had a fever 15 days ago. 1 week was sustainable. I can't eat anything now, it tastes bitter. Rice looks disgusting! I feel very hungry but I can't eat! I also took vitamin medicine from Dr. Didn't work. What to do ?

Last Answer : : You will be better if you eat sinkara syrup which enhances your taste. InshaAllah. Avoid fried , televaja food.

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Last Answer : Because there are people that want more than that.

Description : Want to know how to get rid of piles ? I have been suffering from piles for the last 2 years. Recently I went to a homeopathic doctor and he assured me that the problem will be reduced in 20-25 days and will ... !!! Could it really be that ... so what can I do , please help me with some advice ...

Last Answer : If you take homeopathic medicine then the homeopathic doctor has rightly said that it will take 3/4 months to get better but you need to consult a piles expert 2 years ago. You can stay. Therefore, a piles ... by the piles doctor. So I said take the advice of a piles expert to get a quick solution.