College athletes can unionize. Is this a good thing?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, it is. Next.

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Last Answer : I am pro union. But it is your job. Vote with your heart. You sound like a smart person. I’m sure you will make the right decision.

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Last Answer : Union; League is for pussy’s and Australians. hehehe

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Description : Should NCAA players be allowed to unionize?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, they should. And the NCAA should be broken up from its monopolistic restraint of trade practices. Collegiate sports are big business, time to recognize the athletes are employees and work rules should apply.

Description : Should college athletes be paid?

Last Answer : Of course. They have been ripped off – slaves with no pay – for 50+ years. The Supreme Court should have gone further than it did. The concept that Ohio State makes $900 million/year on NCAA Athletics and the players get bupkis is absurd.

Description : Should college athletes in the money sports get paid?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. In 39 states, the highest paid employee is a football or basketball coach. Alabama gives their college coach $7.09 million per year. Those are some fine educational values , America. ... it would sully the amateur integrity of the sport. The interviewer should have cock-punched him.

Description : How do professional athletes get paid when they have no spectators?

Last Answer : TV rights. Promoters that pay professional athletes make little to nothing from the ticket sales, tickets cover the costs of the facility. Baseball players are paid by their teams, who played to empty ... basketball and football. But they all were broadcast on TV and the TV rights paid the bills.

Description : Are there known elite athletes that refuse to play professional sports?

Last Answer : How would we know of them if they are not competing?

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Last Answer : No. And it’s not just great glory, but fortune as well.

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Last Answer : Professionals do it for a living and get paid to win. Amatures I can believe do it for the fun of it.

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Last Answer : Not a sports fan so I haven’t been paying attention. I’m just wondering though IF the difference is related to male dominated sports generating way, way more profits?

Description : Why do athletes chew on mouth guards?

Last Answer : The purpose of the mouth guards is to keep their teeth from being knocked out in a physical encounter. Why they chew on them, I don’t know, presumably it soothes anxiety or feels good.

Description : How do athletes use the bathroom during gameplay?

Last Answer : In most baseball stadiums, there is a small bathroom right behind the dugout, for exactly the reason you note. When your team is up to bat, you can be peeing. My guess is that in football, basketball, and soccer, you pee before the game begins, and then again at half time.

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Last Answer : Doping.

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Last Answer : answer:Because it would be bloody stupid Your next question must be, “but why is it stupid?” Comfort Power Performance enhancing Injury prevention

Description : What is your opinion of pro athletes using steroids to improve their performance?

Last Answer : answer:Performance enhancing drugs really defeat the purpose pro athletics, making it more a question of financing over natural ability. I don’t see a recourse other than nullifying their records. They cheated, were caught., and therefor are losers.

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Last Answer : Sorry this is asking about the USA! How American of me to assume you’d know that I was referring to USA

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Last Answer : answer:I've always said that one of the reasons I consider Joe Montana the greatest quarterback ever is because when he was in his prime, if the 49ers were losing by a touchdown or less, and he ... . Young was a very gifted athlete, but did not have the same ability to overcome a tough situation.

Description : Why are pro athletes deprived of their privacy in the locker rooms?

Last Answer : Probably because they make millions in the name of entertainment so by being a public figure they by common sense sign their life to the public audience and they have to represent their team to each teams ... sports players, sports players make more money by being popular. It's a win win deal imo

Description : Do you think the better athletes in the world carry more Neanderthal DNA than the rest of humanity?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure. Perhaps it's even the opposite The study determined that some mixture of genes occurred between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans and presented evidence that ... remain in that of non-African modern humans.

Description : Are there any notable atheist athletes who give the glory of their championships to their hard work and determination?

Last Answer : Not sure how accurate this list is.

Description : Who are some famous white athletes?

Last Answer : Most of the tennis players. Lots and lots of the soccer players. Tebow, Elway and a bunch of football players. Lots of baseball players. Arnold Palmer and most golf players.

Description : Do you know any home remedies to curing athletes foot?

Last Answer : answer:I had athletes foot as a teen. What worked for me was keeping my feet clean and dry, using wool or cotton socks (no nylon or polyester), changing my socks at least once during the ... important I went barefoot as much as possible, including outside. I made my feet inhospitable to the fungus.

Description : Why do people go so nuts about athletes using performance enhacing drugs?

Last Answer : answer:It’s cheating. It sends the message that if you can’t get to the top on your own then you can by taking drugs (that aren’t very good for). What about the people who don’t take them? They get the short shaft.

Description : Are these symptoms of athletes foot?

Last Answer : No, athletes foot doesn’t make you its, but it sounds like some kind of fungus

Description : When and why did professional athletes start making so much money?

Last Answer : answer:When businessmen realized they could make tons of money off of selling the games that the public wanted to watch (be it baseball, football, whatever), they bought the services of the pro ... owners of those games need to pay them the most money to keep them from going to competitors.

Description : Athletes foot fungus and using spilanthes?

Last Answer : According to this site, dab the tincture onto the affected area. Let us know how it goes, OK?

Description : Do the OTC treatments for athletes foot and toenail fungus work?

Last Answer : answer:Athletes foot YES they do, but you have to give them time. Weeks. Athletes foot is such hell! The toenail fungus stuff that they sell is not good for you, I know that….I don’t know what to reccommend instead though.

Description : Stella Mcartney is to design the British Olympic kit for the 2012 London games, can we therefore look forward to our athletes not only achieving a good medal haul but looking mighty fine in the process?

Last Answer : It is always interesting to see what a designer will come up with. We may have to wait a while. She is very classy in what she wears and understands being comfortable. So I am looking forward to see what she does.

Description : How to obtain sponsorship and endorsement for athletes?

Last Answer : The people you have mentioned have friends, contacts, and acquaintances in the appropriate fields, and when they find a promising athlete, they pass the word around. It works both ways, because the marketing departments of the endorsers also keep contacts with the agents. It’s a two way street.

Description : Do athletes feel no shame when promoting unhealthy products?

Last Answer : If they don’t do it, someone else will.

Description : Why do athletes feel a need to get "pumped up?"?

Last Answer : Compared to just strolling to a game it is not enough. Think about when you are stricken with extreme fear or are confronted by an attacker, you aren’t going to be able to be as responsive and strong if you are just like “Oh well, just getting attacked, I guess I’ll defend myself, ho-huuummmmmm!”.

Description : Can someone explain to me why people who are not athletes get so excited about sports?

Last Answer : They are living vicariously through the athletes.

Description : US Winter Olympic athletes; really great or the others just suck?

Last Answer : The Dutch don’t compete in the skiing events…We don’t even have mountains over here. Don’t know where you got the idea that Dutch athletes used to be great at other winter sports besides speedskating….

Description : Is there a cultural reason why there are so many traditionally attractive athletes in women's curling?

Last Answer : Maybe it has something to do with the spandex. I haven’t seen a bad looking athlete in the Olympics yet, I don’t think.

Description : Do athletes in "World's strongest man competition" juice up?

Last Answer : I guarantee it.

Description : What do athletes do if they have to pee right before or during the big moment?

Last Answer : Diapers

Description : What are your thoughts on high school athletes receiving undeserved inflated grades because they are applying for scholarships?

Last Answer : Bullshit. If the kid wants to get into college then they need to do the work.

Description : What do you think about these athletes on scholarships who can barely read?

Last Answer : Really sad and ridiculous. I don't know why athletics comes before education so much in this country, especially when they are supposed to go hand in hand. My brother teaches at a high school in ... the reward of being able to play their sport after school lets out .why? Where's the motivation?

Description : Embarrassing: I have a foot fungus, need help (not athlete's foot)

Last Answer : Chemist or a Doctor is what you need , not .

Description : What is your take on the behavior of some professional athletes?

Last Answer : You’d be cranky too if your testicles were shrinking.

Description : Should star athletes who are also steroid users or involved with criminals be given the adulation they continue to receive?

Last Answer : No, Kids want to and do follow their example.