What DIY jobs or projects have you or would you be brave enough to tackle?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:If I have the time and the tools I will always attempt it myself. Most car repair things I’ve been able to do myself without any problems, the only issues I ever run into is not having the proper tools for the job. I also often find myself making things from random stuff that most people would buy in a store. I find its more fulfilling to be able to say I made it myself rather than purchased it and I get to be cheap at the same time :P

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Last Answer : answer:http://www.fluther.com/168823/have-you-ever-dreaded-doing-something-and-then-found-out-it/ You don't. You just go ahead and realize your fear was totally unnecessary bullshit. I hate ... the first. That way everyone was so busy worrying about their performance they wouldn't notice I sucked.

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Last Answer : answer:People have often told me I am brave, but I have trouble believing it sometimes. 1) The dichotomy of sissy/brave is not a very fair one. I deal with difficult and complex situations ... I did not, because the administrators backed the bullies up. Just going to school every day was brave.