Have you ever done something that made you feel regret for life?

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Related questions

Description : Is there something you regret not doing in your life?

Last Answer : Having kids

Description : Whats your biggest regret? Something you wished you would've done when you were younger?

Last Answer : Played the field more sexually

Description : Is it normal to feel old & regret at 28 years old?

Last Answer : I remember learning that around the age 26 (I think) men start to fell “should”. I should be married. I should have kids. I should have a mortgage. I should have a good job. Maybe that’s all this is for you. It’s never too late, I hope.

Description : How do you feel about regret?

Last Answer : If I ended up not doing something, then there’s a reason for that. Everything happens for a reason, but I don’t know what that is. I just need to do what I know is right and follow my gut. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

Description : Can you describe something in your past that you really regret doing?

Last Answer : Her name was Katrina…

Description : hello, been wondering about what if your life would cease to exist tomorrow, would you feel regret from the things you didn't do or try while you still alive?

Last Answer : That's sorta the point, live you life without regrets or don't let the things you didn't do cause you regret. If you didn't do it, you must have had a reason, we can always dwell on what ifs. But ... what's best for you at that time. That's all anyone can hope for, to do what's best for themselves.

Description : Do you regret how your life turned out?

Last Answer : Yes, our life is fated to be uncomfortable from time to time and no I don’t regret how mine turned out – despite the recent bumps.

Description : Have you ever gone back and fixed a major regret?

Last Answer : I tried twice, once a few years ago and again recently, to get back in touch with someone whom I felt I had wronged decades ago but I never got a response. Still, I’m pleased with myself for having made the effort.

Description : What is something you regret not doing sooner or regret ever trying?

Last Answer : answer:Not really a "regret" but I did wish I started working for myself much, much sooner. So many benefits. I also wish that I had a red head mentor guy show me the way lol

Description : If you were to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done?

Last Answer : I would say OP's mom but that since I do that every Thursday at the back of the bowling ally with two hobos and a stray cat, it would be lying.

Description : If I feel bad for my sins and I wish I could go back and never do them again and I try to confess to god my sins but I feel empty inside I should feel sorry but all I can feel is regret I guess but mo?

Last Answer : You cannot got back and change what has happened - These areshadows of your past. However, you can learn from these and indoing so make it a positive change to help others and where you cando that little bit extra to help someone who needs help.

Description : What do you regret?

Last Answer : I have NO regrets!!! That's not to say IF given the chance to do it all over again that I would make the same choices as the first time; however, given the information I had at the time I ... absolute BEST thing that ever happened to me!!! So, I can NO longer regret marrying the original jackass!!!

Description : Do you regret missing out on any opportunity in the past?

Last Answer : there are several

Description : What is the most prized possession that you regret losing?

Last Answer : my youth, but I dont dwell on it (much). I didn’t appreciate it when it was there which is a good thing. Otherwise I would have wasted it worrying over its inevitable disappearance.

Description : What are the things you still regret doing as a kid?

Last Answer : I lost my best friend when she came out. I was judgmental and self righteous. I never got to apologize before she died. There was the time I tried to get Chris Nelson to try to smoke. The time I ... a boy I knew my friend liked . The list of childhood mistakes that keep me up at night is long.

Description : What is the greatest regret of your 20's?

Last Answer : living on the edge….a bit too much, but Thankful I got through it. regret that my soulmate and I could not be together this time round.

Description : Do you regret your first kiss?

Last Answer : Not really. I don’t really remember who my first kiss was.

Description : Do you think I will regret selling my possessions and living on the necessities?

Last Answer : I have done it, but only when I was going through a move. I have never regretted doing it.

Description : Do you regret having children?

Last Answer : Having children is wonderful-but you have to be able to put someone else first-not yourself, at least for a while. Make sure you have enough time with your husband so you two are solid, and have done ... , not only do I love my children, but I would absolutely repeat what I did-I had four children.

Description : What regret do you think you would have ten years from now?

Last Answer : um what? Can you clarify what the question is here? I can’t find a connection between the title and the details…

Description : What's something bad you did (or said) that you didn't regret, or even enjoyed?

Last Answer : If I don’t regret it, do I really think it was bad?

Description : What’s something that you did that you thought was fine but you now regret?

Last Answer : I smoked a lot of pot in my 20s thinking back, it was a waste of money and it decreased my motivation to actually do anything productive.

Description : Which sentence best reflects a formal tone Stop your babbling already! I think you've stuck your foot in your mouth. I fear you have said something you will regret. What are you talkin' about?

Last Answer : I think you’ve stuck your foot in your mouth

Description : People who have met their online friends, what made you regret it?

Last Answer : Absolutely everything. They were smug, arrogant, nasty, rude. They disrespected my culture, my home, and my family. They took advantage of my generosity and then had the nerve to complain online ... are grown fucking adults. I almost called police because they were behaving like a fucking stalker.

Description : "I don't regret anything about my life" Who can actually say that?

Last Answer : answer:I honestly can. Never made such a bad choice that would affect my life, my future or my present. And I hope it continues that way. Decisions. The ones you make matter the most.

Description : How does one overcome regret for a difficult life decision?

Last Answer : How old are you anyway? Do you have the capacity and capability to get your child back? You will never of course get over it, let the pain remain so you can be a better mother next time. Good luck to you.

Description : What was high school like for you? Were you a jock, poplular, geek, band person, stoner? What did it mean to your life after you graduated? Do you regret your hs choices?

Last Answer : I loved high school - I was a science nerd and a drama kid and the bisexual' and all the boys wanted to make out with me in the staircase and I ran many clubs and because of high school I began ... teachers that used to hit on me and tell em they were quite the perverts. They all agree with me.

Description : What is the one regret you have in your life?

Last Answer : not being in band in high school.

Description : ors over 30, what is your biggest regret in life?

Last Answer : Drinking alcohol every single day from 17 to 32. Wasted a lot of time I will never get back being drunk all the time. It all worked out though.

Description : ors who sincerely regret nothing in life, why?

Last Answer : The main reason is that there's nothing you can do with that regret. Regret is one of those things that by definition you would have to be thinking about the past to feel. When I was in AA I basically ... 't fix my mistakes if I'm in a bad place mentally because of regret. Let me have todays sanity.

Description : Do you have any regret in life?

Last Answer : yes i hve many regrets in my life including someone that is not worth it to loved, all of us makes mistakes but we just need to learned and in our mistakes and be a better person

Description : Do you ever feel like you are meant to do something greater with your life?

Last Answer : Yep, become an astrophysicist. (pshyeah like that was gonna happen with ma stoopid brainz)

Description : Have you ever doxxed someone? If not, would you and if you have do you regret it?

Last Answer : No, I’d never do something like that to someone else, no matter how much I might dislike them. It’s immature and morally disgusting. I have a feeling that you’re going to get a resounding “Hell no” from the majority of Jellies that decide to answer this question.

Description : Do you ever regret leaving a minimum wage job to go to university?

Last Answer : answer:Wow, I am actually wondering if I should do this rather than go to college straightaway. Will be stalking this. Thank you Talljasperman for asking this question

Description : Have you ever stuck your nose into someone else's business (with the intention of "doing the right thing"), only to regret it later?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I did. I once visited my best friend's brother who was gay and living with his boyfriend. My best friend did not know that her brother was gay (he had been married and divorced). It was ... as she got angry at me (kill the messenger urger). I wished very much that I had not intervened.

Description : Do you ever do, think, or say things at night and regret it when you wake up?

Last Answer : I, like most men, do most of our serious thinking on the throne. this can occur at anytime of the day or night. to give you a serious answer, yes, i have written papers at night and wondered what ... a low gear at night and waiting for some shuteye thats soon to come. you are not alone. it happens.

Description : For those that spent a lot of money on an elite college, do you ever regret your decision?

Last Answer : I didn’t know what I was doing when I went to college. I didn’t know what I wanted. And I didn’t know anything about life. If only I had worked about ten years before I had gone to college I would have been better off.

Description : Does God Ever Regret?

Last Answer : GOD IS GOD and HE is ABOVE ALL THINGS. Above all HE is so HOLY. Now to my understanding with the two verses you need to first of all understand the reason as to why HE regretted in Genesis chapter ... HOLY and for us to have a relationship with HIM we must purge away all the evil of this world.

Description : Did you ever regret moving to Arizona?

Last Answer : Yes. Summers too hot despite being in altitude. Lack of social life as there is nothing: no good restaurants, no nice little cafes, no dancing classes, e tc.. Lack of services like professional trade men, ... . If you are used to West or East Coasts, you are in for a n unpleasant culture shock.

Description : What is a song that means something to you, you can relate to or makes you feel like its about you and or your life?

Last Answer : answer:Veronica Sawyer Smokes describes my first (and maybe even my most recent relationship) perfectly. Lyrics: Oh my story is not the oldest of its kind. I was too touched to see you clearly, far too ... falling, words I won't forget. I died right when I saw you while you shared that cigarette.

Description : What’s a small regret that you have?

Last Answer : I regret not doing more as a parent. Not taking enough pictures. Not taking enough video. Dammit.

Description : Redditors 40+ years old who have embarked on the path of childfree. how do you live now and do you regret your choice?

Last Answer : well I was but pull out game weak

Description : People who grew up too fast… what do you regret not doing when you were younger?

Last Answer : My Aunt

Description : Do you regret owning a pet?

Last Answer : Never. I have had some pets that are more difficult than others, and sometimes it was inconvenient having pets, but I have never regretted it. The positives by far outweigh the negatives for me. I have been fortunate in that I’ve never had an overly aggressive pet.

Description : Which concert do you regret not seeing?

Last Answer : I was offered the chance to see Tom Petty about seven years ago. It was on a week night, I'd be getting home late from the city, it was in July so it would have been an ordeal with the heat, ... missing the concert, I have to remind myself that I put a lot of thought into the decision not to go.

Description : How do you get over regret?

Last Answer : answer:Why are you resigned to never getting a degree? It only takes four years. Didn't you say you have an IQ of 160? You could start by getting a two year degree. A two year ... about jobs that you will never have or thinking of excuses for not having accomplished anything, do something!

Description : Do you know of any women over 45 who regret not having had children?

Last Answer : I know three women who decided deliberately to not have children, then regretted it. However, most of the women I know who decided not to have children are still very happy with their choices.

Description : Do you regret doing/ not doing some things in the past?

Last Answer : I live with regrets which believe me, is no smooth life! I have done things which I should not have and not done things which I should have. What’s done is done but getting over it is another story!

Description : Why do some people use the word "regret" if they don't mean it's their own fault?

Last Answer : (I run out of edit time) I mean: They say “I regret….”

Description : What's your biggest regret?

Last Answer : Not marrying the woman I should have, and marrying the one I did.