ors over 30, what is your biggest regret in life?

1 Answer

Answer :

Drinking alcohol every single day from 17 to 32. Wasted a lot of time I will never get back being drunk all the time. It all worked out though.

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Last Answer : Trust me, it's not awesome having a label slapped on you.

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Last Answer : You really have to hang on until you can support yourself.

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Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol

Description : ors who pay with $100 bills at retail stores, why do you do it and where are you getting the bills from?

Last Answer : Because it's legal tender. They come from a government mint.

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Last Answer : You really have to hang on until you can support yourself.

Description : ors with autism: What Interesting ability did you find out you could do, but the vast majority couldn't?

Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol