Why do some people prefer to be wrong but the same as other people?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:There are a lot of ways to pronounce chorizo… I’ve never heard either of yours here in Texas for example, where it’s most commonly a mexican food. For me it’s cho-ree-zo, others would correct me to say it’s CHO-izo… with a very light, to no “r”. So why would people rather be wrong? In this case, maybe it’s too tight of a definition of what’s “right”. In other situations, people often don’t want to argue, but they have their own researched reasons for the way they do things. Will you change how you say it based on my explanation for example? I kind of hope not. But you might go research it a bit, and that’s generally what I do, then decide if I want to change. Especially with language, sometimes it’s better to be understood than correct, so people tend to pronounce things as they learned them.

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