Would this be a more or less humane way for the U.S. to execute prisoners? (Details Inside)

1 Answer

Answer :

Purely for poetic purposes, I’d choose hemlock.

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Last Answer : answer:From things I've heard in the past, some people don't like they way they operate. I remember reading something earlier this year about a circus suing them for racketeering, money laundering, ... a story about them trying to use religion to make people feel guilty about eating pork once).

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Description : Would it be more cost effective to house prisoners in coma centers?

Last Answer : But they wont learn the lesson. Prisoners need time to think and rethink about life. Or we can just cryofreeze all prisoners like in the movie Demolition Man.

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Last Answer : Guy was in a squabble with another guy and left a sack of money on the sidewalk there in the street corner for him to check out. Above him, the guy cut a rope that was supporting a grand piano he ... out of his mouth with a big lump on his head. Things are fucking CRAZY in the cities these days.

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Last Answer : It is up to the individual states to determine voter rights. Convicted felons lose rights from voting to employment, depending on their state of residence. While some of the rights convicted felons lose ... , some of the general rights convicted felons lose are as follows, varying state by state !

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Last Answer : Funny.. My mom did ten years. She got out and was straddled with a 2.5K bill for parole fees.. If she didn't pay the bill she would violate the parole and go back in for another ten ... think this is a serious proposal. You get disability. Maybe you should be making doilies to payback what you get.

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Last Answer : No. Or, at the very least, it should be heavily monitored.

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Last Answer : I’ve never heard of any law prohibiting it and I don’t see why there would be. Prisoners aren’t barred from owning property.

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Last Answer : answer:no personal information is displayed to the prisoners, who don't have access to computers, officials said. So, they're not taking over-the-phone payments. It appears, from what I've read, ... , when there are non-prisoners who would be willing to take those jobs for a reasonable pay rate.

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Last Answer : answer:The only way I can see this trade as viable is if the released prisoners were chipped in some way, to be tracked back to larger lairs. I'm really confused about Bergdahl though, and ... , responsible for American deaths. Such an odd trade. I thought US Gov didn't negotiate with terrorists?

Description : Do you find these demographics of prisoners staggering?

Last Answer : It is utterly disgusting to me that the USA runs around the world killing others in the name of democracy while incarcerating a the most people per capita of any nation on Earth. It is even ... family in ever increasing wealth when they finally succeed in locking up all of Wall-Mart's customers?

Description : How do we help society reintegrate its prisoners?

Last Answer : Ideally, I'd like to see more focus on rehabilitation. I'd like to see people who are jailed on drug offenses put through treatment programs, and just let the potheads go. That may be ... used with juveniles or prisoners who are diagnosed with mental illness. Is this vision realistic? Probably not.

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Last Answer : January 1, 2001, the German Parliament banned corporal punishment for children. Judicial corporal punishment in Germany was abolished after the revolution of 1848. The article said this is because ... protections, until finally adults got around to treating them as well as prisoners were treated.

Description : Are we becoming prisoners of technology?

Last Answer : Great question but my iPad is in another room so I can’t Google the answer.

Description : What should happen to the pardoned prisoners in Mississippi?

Last Answer : answer:They were legally pardoned by the governor, so I don't see how - legally - they can be re-jailed. It seems to me that this is political pressure gone wild. I am no fan of Barbour (although I like ... who would not otherwise be free to get out of prison.] Anyway, they're out, let em stay out.

Description : If any of the ”innocent, political” prisoners in Guantanamo could have produced a million bucks could they have bought their freedom?

Last Answer : It's possible, especially if they can't squeeze any more information from them and there's no political heros that they can barter these prisoners for.. Funny, if their our enemy we call them criminal ... lies once (just once) then their deemed unlikely to have ever told the truth from that point.

Description : Should the state train prisoners to do high skilled jobs?

Last Answer : answer:Yes – but only if it does the same for the unemployed and under-employed. And, generally, it should do so for all groups.

Description : Should prisoners be made to work?

Last Answer : There is a history of work-rule abuse in prisons, but if the program is well regulated I believe it would be advantageous for both prisoner and society.