Last American election ( 2012 ) I wished that Donald Trump was running instead of Mitt Romney am I the only one who regrets made the wish?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:That was you, @RedDeerGuy1? I never would have imagined this was caused by someone I knew. Now what shall we do with you?

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : You mean “Bidan”.

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Last Answer : As long as I’m getting paid, I guess so. I’m not sure about payment.

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Last Answer : Ew, gross!

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Last Answer : On camera Trump bragged about assaulting women. At least (and I mean the most infinitesimal least) the others acknowledge that assault and rape are bad, either by denying the allegations or apologizing.

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Last Answer : Will they all be coloring books? There may be many. Perhaps some will have simple words. None will have chapters.

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Last Answer : Take it for 3 years then put more effort into getting a Democrat elected. Starting now. Don’t make the same mistakes again. If you are passionate then you could run for office

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Last Answer : He would surprise me if he suddenly began acting like a mature adult and not like a high school punk. He wouldn’t surprise me if he continues to insult and threaten world leaders.

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Last Answer : Of course! I might not like it or the caller, but it would be the right thing to do, even to satisfy one’s conscience.