Did Donald Trump fleece America?

1 Answer

Answer :

He sure tried to. That’s what he does. But we made it through those 4 sickening years and we’re out the other side.

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Last Answer : answer:I’d be way concerned if he was even in a position to do that. I’d be amused if he tried to do it after losing the election.

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Last Answer : I think it is political suicide. But I think he was fucked either way. I bet he is kicking himself for taking on the role a Speaker of the House.

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Last Answer : I think it’s a lot of empty threats it’s a lot harder to imagrate than people think.

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Last Answer : answer:I didn't listen to the whole conversation. 1. The voice may or may not be Trump's. I'm no expert. 2. These are not statements made by a professional PR person. 3. Trump is ... office, the rep said that they did meet, and it was to discuss recommendations about a residential location. Story

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Last Answer : I think he is listening to his advisers. As you say, pretty terrifying.

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Last Answer : Note to Trump: Never go full retard!

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Last Answer : answer:He would first have to get elected as President. Building the wall isn’t that much of a problem. It’s the part where he brags about “making Mexico pay for it” that I’d like to see him try. Ha ha. So in short, no. It won’t happen but he knows it makes for lots of free publicity.

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Last Answer : As good as his hair!

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Last Answer : It’s as though he’s out to DELIBERATELY illustrate the absurdities which render his party the laughing stock it has become. Is it possible?

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Last Answer : answer:I agree with you, @JLeslie – I don’t think he’s racist. I think he’s bombastic, stupid, obtuse, and loves attention – very narcissistic. But I doubt he is racist in the racial superiority sense of the word.

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Last Answer : I don’t know, but I do know Trump says he told his children since they were two not to drink, smoke, or do drugs. He says he told them before they even understood what any of those things were and never let up telling them.