How do I show affection to my boyfriend without kissing him?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have no idea what freshmen means in terms of age, sorry, English bloke over here :) The age of the 2 of you would dictate my answer you see…

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Last Answer : Just ignore it. From what you wrote, I see you two are not in contact, and thinking about him doesn't seem to make your life troblesome. If it doesn't actually affect your life, just let it be and ... popping up in my head from time to time. I got used to it eventually and focused on other things.

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Last Answer : answer:Whatever YOU think you are or might in time become. I’ll just add that I feel his using the word “love” after only 90 days is not only premature, it’s immature.

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Last Answer : Yes definitely. My boyfriend (when we first started dating) would call me an Uber :) I thought it was so sweet, like a gentleman. It’s very convenient, and I hate driving, so it works out. I totally agree that it’s a great thing ! And you can also track where your guest is :)

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Last Answer : I think they are bots trying to draw people in.

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Last Answer : I really don’t understand why you can’t simply tell the man the truth.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, there was the time I took my now-husband to my favourite Thai restaurant, and he got food poisoning from the undercooked salmon. He still teases me about it, and I still maintain I had eaten there over 50 times with no problem.

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Last Answer : I’d like to have enough money to do either one and then use it for something else!

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Last Answer : They've been around for quite some time and have a large, multi-gender, international membership. Here's their intro: Tall Club International™ traces its beginnings ... using the term Amazon . Quite frequently these are Femdom situations featuring highly paid dominitrices.

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Last Answer : Sure. Anyone can have a good idea and there are two sides to every story. But dating?? I won’t go out with dudes, or overweight unattractive females. You have to draw the line somewhere if you wish to remain sane and self-respectable.