What do you think of Sarah Sanders getting kicked out of a restaurant?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, I hate the idea of “conviction by the Internet”, but when someone is so public a figure, and can’t be unaware that they are unpopular with a large portion of the population, I think it behooves them to recognize that this sort of thing is inevitable, and not to give these places an opportunity to capitalize on this. The people who are (rightly or wrongly, not my call) targeted these days need to be more careful, and maybe stick to the places they know they will be welcome. Not escalating these situations would seem to be prudent.

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Last Answer : answer:Wait until she organises papers and makes it official, meantime, look for some assistance. http://michigan.gov/dhs http://www.michiganhousinglocator.rentlinx.com/MI/Lansing

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Description : Kicked out?

Last Answer : take the work you've done and show the teacher. See what He/she says. Be Honest and Explain you situation and see if you could be put into another group if possible. Or maybe see if you can get ... you were contibuting, they'd usually change around your work to fit what they wanted it to say or do.

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Last Answer : In what way? Too old? Too young? Can you give more information about the situation?

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