Should Catholics or Jews be banned from taking in foster children?

1 Answer

Answer :

I think anyone who is religious should be banned. Why stop at just Catholics and Jews? Why not Mormons too, at least?

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Last Answer : If you are worried that the boyfriend will ask for money, then no, I wouldn’t tell your daughter your income. It’s none of her business anyway.

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Last Answer : Helicopter parenting are messing up our children. I was a freedom fighter (class clown) ever since grade 5 where the teachers expected us to fully eat the B.S. that they shoved down our throats.

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Last Answer : Once on a visit to charleston we were visiting the slave market building and my parents told me that I asked if we could “buy a slave”, they explained to me why that was wrong. I was four or five.

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Last Answer : answer:I would argue adults lie more and their lies are way more serious. OMFG lunch vs WMD in Iraq. Clearly we shouldn’t believe anything anyone tells us.