Are you doing anything different for Mother's Day today?

1 Answer

Answer :

Same thing, different day. Except remembering my mother who passed away last fall.

Related questions

Description : What are you doing for Mothers' Day?

Last Answer : Sending Mom a card.

Description : 2014, what are you doing for Mothers Day?

Last Answer : answer:I just had an acquaintance driop by unexpectly, having been secretly commissioned by my daughter, 3400 miles away. Apparently, he went to the local nursery and bought me a big and beautiful ... digging a big hole, adding enrichment and compost. The peony should outlast me. A perfect gift.

Description : What are you doing for mother's day?

Last Answer : I don’t have a clue! I need something awesome. Post some awesome ideas people so that you can give me a hand.

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Last Answer : I second that emotion!

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Last Answer : I don't think parenting changes much with history. Historically mothers love and want to protect their children, often the period in which we live presents different challenges in doing this. Your question ... to be slightly racist and not sure what you mean by lack of care for their children.

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Last Answer : I’m going into the city tomorrow and @jca2 you know which city that means. I’m meeting cousins for lunch at the Morgan Library and then going to a seder at my brother’s. Because it will end late, I’m staying overnight in a hotel and hoping to see the Easter Parade the next day if it doesn’t rain.

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Last Answer : answer:Hmm I suppose I do most of what I do because I have no choice but to toil-to play the world's game, if you will. But the things that I do purely out of my desire to ... But seriously, keeping that opinion close to your heart is no doubt unshackling and lends you great freedom of conscience.

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Last Answer : This :)

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Last Answer : My work computer is down for a few days, so I am taking a few days off. I hope to get my tax information assembled, and go to the movies tomorrow.

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Last Answer : I’ve been with bottles and cans to the recycling station today. Yay! Gotta drink something so I have bottles to recycle.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. But not on the first day of May. But, this Sunday the fam and I will hit the May Day Parade here in beautiful Minneapolis. I don't know how long a parade has been organized, ... masks that we spent the last few weeks constructing. If anyone is interested I'll try to post some pictures.

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Last Answer : answer:“International 2-way Radio Day”?! And I thought “talk like a pirate day” was pushing it…

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Last Answer : I’m planning to have French Fries with lunch.

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Last Answer : Same with Valentines Day, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and so on and so forth. These are just opportunities to make money. Practically no meaning to them at all otherwise.

Description : Happy Mother's Day to all moms on Fluther. Would you like to share any fond memory?

Last Answer : Funny four hours since asked and nothing. Guess that says it all!

Description : May I wish all the Jelly moms a Happy Mother's Day?

Last Answer : Happy Mother’s Day to you too! Though I’m not a mom :p I’ve just come back from a trip outside with my parents. It was great for the most part.

Description : Care to share your favorite Mother's Day quote?

Last Answer : “Thank you dear lady for being my mom, you did all my homework you took me to prom, and I was the only guy who got lucky that night” – Stephen Lynch

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Last Answer : Thank you, and back atcha, Little Penguin! :-)

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Last Answer : Mothering Sunday is the equivalent of Mothers’ Day and is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Fathers’ Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.

Description : How to be there for a friend who's lost his mother on Mother's day?

Last Answer : Hang out. Go for a hike. Invite him to a BBQ. The worst is to ignore him, but also make sure you respect his boundaries and follow his lead.

Description : May I wish all the ask-public-Mothers a Happy Mother's Day?

Last Answer : Happy Mother’s Day to you, @janbb! I wish for you warmth and yummies and lovely conversations with your offspring!

Description : Anybody else have a worse Mother's Day than me?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure someone somewhere has.

Description : Moms, what do you really want on Mother's Day?

Last Answer : answer:A full night’s sleep, someone else to do the dishes, and no one nagging me for shit. Seriously. That’s holiday-special enough for me.

Description : May I wish you a happy Mother's Day?

Last Answer : And a Happy Mother’s Day to you too @augustlan. You are our Fluther mummy!

Description : Fluther foodies! Any suggestions to enhance our Mother's Day brunch?

Last Answer : Eat an actual mother.

Description : If your parents abused you, how do you deal with Mothers/Fathers Day?

Last Answer : This goes into a whole other problem. Do you disregard them, or force yourself to respect' and deal with them because they were good enough to just make sure you were fed while growing up? I feel ... if you still did something that they feel has been difficult on them, are you still a good parent?

Description : May I wish all the other Fluther Mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day?

Last Answer : OH SHIT!!!

Description : Mother's Day is coming. What is your favorite memory of your mother?

Last Answer : The whole years we’ve lived together and she being a great single mother most of her life.

Description : What is an easy inspirational craft Idea for Mothers Day for children?

Last Answer : I love the hand print idea. You can add to that by cutting out the hand print, attach it to fuzzy pipe cleaner with glue, and stick the pipe cleaner into a small Styrofoam ball inside a small flower pot. If you have time let the children paint the flower pot too.

Description : Do you have any special Mother's Day memories (even recent ones) you'd like to share?

Last Answer : I remember my last Mother's Day with my surrogate mom. We made her fruit smoothies for breakfast and took her outside and gave her lots of flowers. She loved flowers. I remember how her eyes ... was comfortable and warm and that we were giving her our full attention. She died the following Saturday.

Description : What should you not give your mother for Mother's Day?

Last Answer : A certificate of reservation of grave.

Description : Should wives or s/o also be celebrated on Mothers Day?

Last Answer : I say Happy Mother’s Day to anyone who is a mom, I give my sister a card, and some close friends as well. It isn’t my Mother’s day, it’s Mother’s day. By the way, to all my Fluther Family who are moms – Happy Mother’s Day!

Description : What should my boss get his wife for Mother's Day?

Last Answer : is there a budget you are aware of? maybe a day trip out with the whole family, picnic and everything - is there a good aquarium or something about? if not then tell him to take her to ... one of these:

Description : What does mama really want to eat for mother's day dinner?

Last Answer : My mom would love a dinner of steak, lobster and crabs legs.

Description : Ideas for A thoughtful Mother's Day Gift?

Last Answer : Take her out for breakfast/brunch, and while you're there give her a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a card. Just spend time with her on that day, if you can. It meant so much to my Mom when one ... visit. A gift/card is always nice, but, having you there, I'm sure means more to her than anything.

Description : What are you going to get your mom for Mother's Day?

Last Answer : I’m having a few of the photos of me and her together when I was a baby reprinted and putting them in a picture frame for her. The picture frame is handmade and one of a kind. A lady in my town makes them and sells them downtown.

Description : Do we really need days like the upcoming mother's day to show our love for our dear ones?

Last Answer : I might be in the minority with this opinion because I know not everyone has a good relationship with their mother but I'm okay with a Mother's Day because I love my mom to death and after ... most people would do anyway throughout the year I would imagine. And welcome to ask-public, cheesecake. =)

Description : Mothers Day Gift Ideas?

Last Answer : My mother is a cold hearted bitch, so this year i told my dad I would celebrate two father’s days. One on mother’s day and one on father’s day. But I am getting new stuff for his harley :)

Description : So what are gonna give to your mommy this Sunday as "mother's day" gift?

Last Answer : My mom loves to sit on the porch in the summer so I’m getting her some nice wind chimes a new bird feeder and more bird seed than any one person should have.

Description : Should you buy your wife a Mother's Day present?

Last Answer : answer:I would certainly get my wife a gift if I had one and we had children. I'm getting my sister a gift because she helped raise me. Stop being a fool Gooch. Hire a babysitter and take ... know she would like. Unless this is a big ploy to fool your wife while you have something awesome planned.

Description : What about stepmothers on Mother's Day?

Last Answer : This is just my opinion, but mother’s day isn’t (just) about the giving birth part. It’s more about being a mother or parent, which I’m sure you are to this 7 year old, so you deserve as much celebration as any other parent on mother’s/father’s day.

Description : Who is ready for the Mother's Day update?

Last Answer : Yaay for you mzgator…...and hats off to gooch. Nicely done :)

Description : received an orchid for mothers day. now I have teeny tiny critters scooting all over my counters. help!

Last Answer : sounds like bugs in the soil...................check on Selvin and see if this orchard is on their list of plants................if so.............take it outside.....mix a batch ... the bottom until the bubbles stop............clean your counter with some vinegar and water...........white vinegar.

Description : A woman is at her mother's funeral when suddenly she sees a man so handsome, she instantly falls in love with her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to talk to the man. The next day, the woman kills her sister. What was the motive? -Riddles

Last Answer : The woman was hoping to see the man again. If you got this correct on the first try, you have the mind of a psychopath.

Last Answer : The second Sunday in May.