As a follow up to the other question, why do some of you deem a fetus “human” before it is viable extra-utero?

1 Answer

Answer :

Because they’ve inherited the language of a bad argument. The question of whether or not a fetus is biologically human has nothing to do with whether or not it counts as a moral person.

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Last Answer : (a) When pollen is shed at two-celled stage, double fertilisation does not take place.

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Last Answer : (a) Sperm is viable for only up to 24 hours.

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Last Answer : Sperm is viable for only up to 24 hours

Description : Study the given figure below and answer the question that follow important-questions-for-class-12-biology-cbse-fertilisation-pregnancy-and-embryonic-development-t-33-3 (i)Name the stage of human embryo the ... implantation in the uterus. (iv)Where are the stem cells located in this embryo? -Biology

Last Answer : (i)The stage is blastocyst. (ii) A—Trophoblast. It helps in attachment to endometrium during implantation and provides nourishment to developing embryo. (iii) Inner cell mass acts as precursor to embryo ... into ectoderm and endoderm. (iv) Stem cells are located in inner cell mass of embryo.

Description : Identify the wrong statement with reference to immunity. (a) When exposed to antigen (living or dead) antibodies are produced in the host's body. It is called Active immunity . (b) When ... full response. (d) Fetus receives some antibodies from mother, it is an example for passive immunity

Last Answer : c) Active immunity is quick and gives full response.

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Last Answer : That would be an incredibly cruel thing to say. However, it's inaccurate to tell a woman considering an abortion that all they're going to do is to ... -term harm to her.

Description : Does or should the man have a say, or responsibility, in carrying a fetus to term?

Last Answer : To a certain extent, yes. Then it’s on to The Maury Povich Show to determine who the real father is.

Description : If the law requires saving an aborted fetus if it shows any signs of life, do you worry that parents might be forced to save premies?

Last Answer : I feel like it’s two very different situations with their own legal scenarios. If there’s a specific abortion law in your state or elsewhere that concerns you, I’m happy to research it.

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Last Answer : Put yourself in their shoes and imagine you believed that terminating a pregnancy was morally equivalent to killing an adult person. Would I don't want it around be a good enough reason ... that would insist on pregnancies being carried to term in most circumstances (maybe even all circumstances).

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Last Answer : The sac can reseal itself from a puncture. That’s why amniocentesis can be performed, because a needle is inserted into the sac and extracts a small amount of fluid, which is then analyzed for the baby’s chromosomes.

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Last Answer : It’s only a movie, only a movie…

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Last Answer : It would eat her, thus gaining immortal strength.