Can you describe a situation where you were wrong all along and how you felt when you realized it?

1 Answer

Answer :

It was a long time ago, but yeah, I was wrong about my first serious girlfriend. We were really close, and never had any spats. Should have married her, but I felt we were too young. Oh well, shoulda coulda woulda, huh? How did I feel? Like crap. But it was my own fault, I should have taken my chances and married her when I could. Still bothers me sometimes, to this day. I try not to think about it much, because I love my wife dearly, and thinking about my first love makes me feel guilty. And I suppose I still have feelings for her as well, but oh well. Life sucks, and then you die.

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Last Answer : answer:Chocolate. And reading some good books – escape reading – to get my mind off of whatever the issue was.

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Last Answer : Existence? No.

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Last Answer : Get your diet sorted out that's one reason it happens to me . It's not uncommon at all for this to happen during your late teens and early twenties. It's been a re-occurring theme in my life ... not always a bad thing, it can be your minds way of getting your attention that something is not right.

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Last Answer : Been there, done that. I thought about the alternatives and a friend pulled me through. It was close.

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Last Answer : answer:When I came back to work from vacation to find out that my boss would be on vacation for 2 weeks (roughly 2 weeks ago) But since hell be back on Monday the weight is getting heavy again.

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Last Answer : When I received that early morning call (at a time no one usually calls) that my dad was taken to the hospital. I worried the whole 100 miles, hoping that I would get there in time, while also believing that he would be okay. I did get there in time to say my good byes and let him know I loved him.

Description : Have you felt a sudden, unexpected calm?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve only felt something like that during a possible emergency. Everything becomes simple, and all my confusion and anxiety disappears. And, I guess I’ve felt it when waking from strange dreams and after epiphanies.

Description : Do you feel or have you ever felt "behind" your peers? If so, in what way, and how are/did you catching/get caught back up?

Last Answer : This is a rather common sentiment one I've hand many times myself. Let me tell ya about one such little incident. Back in high school, I was the Arts person. I could draw a prizewinner in two ... Oh yes, and grasp every opportunity that comes your way no matter how wild and irrational it may seem.

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Last Answer : Well as you know I'm a musician, passion is practically my life, so I couldn't say that any one thing would be more inspirational than the next. I could give a bit of an idea as you so did here. ... to bring my passion to those in need of it. because lets face it. Where would life be without music?