Why must I be so abused and persecuted?

1 Answer

Answer :

Clearly you are being punished by the **** for sins committed in the womb.

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Last Answer : I was prosecuted, not persecuted, for just causes, for the most part.

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Last Answer : private schools are tough, she should have realized that before hand. I’d call the school and simply ask what the nature of her detentions were, sometimes teenagers, especially teenage girls, exaggerate.

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Last Answer : answer:Have you seen a good therapist, someone you feel safe with whose intellect and insights you trust? I dealt with an issue (a subtle one) of parental abuse in therapy.

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Last Answer : I go insane, and don’t do anything about it except hallucinate until its too late. “I get over it”, when something worse happens. I am human. Being human is a chronic and fatal condition.

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Last Answer : I have never entirely gotten over it. It is a life-long curse.

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Last Answer : Dogs are loyal and trusting. A cat would defend it self at a moment’s notice, and would slice you for little provocation.

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Last Answer : Get yourself to a counselor or Psychiatrist. You need to work through your “history” and get yourself to a better place.

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Last Answer : Yes, I agree on all points. There’s much more to be said about it, as it is not that simple and many of our pervasive ideas about money and economy and industry and fairness and so on need to change, but yes.

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Last Answer : answer:I am not excusing her. Yet the dynamics of an abusive environment can lead people into inexcusable behavior that they would otherwise not take part in. Bear in mind the framing of your question carries ... responsibility for her part in it, and going to jail. She is not getting away with it.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. A lot. I tried for ages to explain the darker side of catcalling to my husband, who simply couldn't understand why I didn't think of it as a compliment. Then one day we were walking ... moments are a bittersweet fun. They shouldn't have to happen, but it's still nice when they do.

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Last Answer : It is my understanding that counsellors are only required to report ongoing abuse not past abuse but you can check that out with the therapist before revealing details. My abuse harmed me in ways I didn't fully ... - in my 30s and 40s. Don't wait that long but do find a therapist you can trust.

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Last Answer : I'm not very good at picking out other people who were abused, but I think that's partially because I was gaslighted about it for many years. A friend of mine who was abused and who had the resources to ... who around me might have been abused. But like I said, I'm not very good at it yet.

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Last Answer : answer:Verbally abused as in what? Hit on? If no one is touching you, ignore it. Sticks and stones…

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Last Answer : answer:@WillWorkForChocolate - THANK YOU! I am 100% with you on this. I am well aware of animal abuse and when we're ready for our next cat - and some day, maybe, a dog - it will come from a ... anyone because of it simply because I don't want to miss posts from these people. But the day may come

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Last Answer : On Youtube and just about every other website, the “First!!!!!!!” comment. Seriously, who gives a crap if you were the first to comment?

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Last Answer : answer:Your daughter ls living with a stick of dynamite, but you know this. I realize that love can sometimes be blind, but domestic violence situations can turn ugly, really fast. Even to the point of death. ... an extreme move on your part as her parent, but how far would you go to save her life?

Description : Do the commercials on T.V. about abused animals rip your heart out?

Last Answer : Not anymore. I’ve seen them for years now.

Description : If your parents abused you, how do you deal with Mothers/Fathers Day?

Last Answer : This goes into a whole other problem. Do you disregard them, or force yourself to respect' and deal with them because they were good enough to just make sure you were fed while growing up? I feel ... if you still did something that they feel has been difficult on them, are you still a good parent?

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Last Answer : answer:If you have not yet done so, I urge you to get counseling for dealing with the abuse. It is really the only way to heal. I can strongly recommend the book The Courage to Heal.

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Last Answer : answer:You could also ask this qusetion in relations to a police officer. We see as much, if not more, than medical doctors.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think your premise is correct. People are not necessarily vegetarian because animals are treated poorly. They are vegetarian because they don't believe in eating animals. Vegetarians do not ... young. But that should not be a reason to avoid eating pork from reputable pig farmers.

Description : In your experience, do abused people become abusers?

Last Answer : answer:My sister is just like my abusive father. My nephew is turning into his mother. I will never have children due to the fact that I see so much of my father in myself. I don’t want to continue the cycle. I think those who don’t repeat the process are the rarity.

Description : The children living next door are being horribly abused by their parents. The only way to stop the abuse is to adopt the children and care for them in your home. Would you?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely. edited for poor spelling Oh, and also - I'm a survivor myself, and I can't stand seeing other kids suffering. I know I can't save everyone, but in this hypothetical situation, there's ... adopt a few children at some point in the future. My husband and I both want a large family.

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Last Answer : I have often wondered about the term homophobia. it does not seem like a fear of any kind to me. more like hate. i guess if tight spaces where alive and claustrophobic people mostly hated them ... of distaste for them. personally, the moajority of the time i think its just a learned behaviour.

Description : I think my friend is being abused by his foster parents what do I do?

Last Answer : Document document document. Things might be fresh in your mind right now, but if you can write everything down with clarity and simplicity about what you saw, what you supposed you saw, etc, and keep an ... at school. Talk to them about it too. And bring your written down evidence to all of this.

Description : What would you do with an off-hand remark from a 7 year-old about his friend being abused?

Last Answer : I don't know. Since I have had CPS sent to my door because of things my son lied about at school I can see that being inflicted with CPS is a real pain, even if they agree that what the child said ... and thinks he'll get in trouble, or even because you perked up your ears when you heard him say it.

Description : My friend is being abused. please help?

Last Answer : Well… maybe talk to an adult you trust, it’s probably more reliable than asking a bunch of intelligent strangers over the internet. ;)

Description : Will an animal that was abused ever stop cowering once it is in a loving, good home?

Last Answer : My sister adopted an abused dog. She was very sweet and well-behaved with my sis and b-i-l, but extremely aggressive with everyone else. I couldn’t make eye contact or pet her until recently (ten years now) as she is aging and calming down She used to attack the UPS, Fed-EX and other delivery men.

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Last Answer : animals in movies are treated better than the actors. PETA is full of extremists. They are no different to me than evangelists and religious terrorists.

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Last Answer : I don’t think you can make that assumption about all prostitutes. It would be a pretty good survey study, though.

Description : Would you tell someone that your friend is abused?

Last Answer : I would talk to your guidance counselor. S/he can talk to your friend and hopefully get a better idea of the severity of the situation. It doesn’t have to be revealed that you are the one who said anything unless that is what you want.

Description : What would be a good system to use for vacation and personal days for employees, preferably one that would not be abused by said employees?

Last Answer : What do you mean by abuse ? Personal time is personal time. The reason an employee takes it is none of his/her employer's business. Whether they're caring for their sick mother, taking the kid to the ... still on the honor system as we don't require doctor's notes or any such thing, but still

Description : How do I prune shoots from a mature abused tulip poplar tree?

Last Answer : You prune it just like you would any other tree. -Birdy

Description : How do you prune shoots from an abused matute tulip poplar on its long trunk?

Last Answer : meant mature

Description : any criminal minds fanfic with morgan raising an abused little spencer?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is the commonly abused drug is not psychoactive but still has serious long term effects on the user and brain?

Last Answer : marijuana

Description : my daughter lives in champaign ,il she has two children,she was living in shelter for abused moms and children the shelter is closing due to funds. she has no place to go . please anyone is there any homeless shelters in rantoul ,il. ?

Last Answer : No she would need to go to the big city Catholic Worker House-St Jude 317 South Randolph Street, Champaign, IL- (217) 355-9774

Description : Can antidepressants be abused?

Last Answer : Absolutely.. I would speak with his doctor about this, he could monitor him closely or even change his prescription to one less habit forming. There are also ways of coping with depression without taking prescription medication, never stop taking medication without consulting you doctor.

Description : Avatars can help abused children?

Last Answer : feel safe and more confident.

Description : How can I get away from my mom who already physically abused me twice DSS has already been called 3x who can help?

Last Answer : I have a bruise from my mom multiple recordings of emotional abuse, she doesn't care about me, my relatives in SC already offered me to stay with them. She won't let me stay with them. DSS has done ... weren't bad enough. My mom will not allow it I have ten months until I turn 18. Help, please

Description : She gave me a cold shoulder when I went to see her. (1) abused me (2) insulted me (3) ignored me

Last Answer : (3) ignored me