It's been said that cigarette smokers usually need to smoke one right after smoking weed because they feel like they smoked without getting the nicotine they "needed". Cigarette smokers of Reddit, how accurate is this?

1 Answer

Answer :

The reasoning is dumb but the action is true. We are just addicted to smoking.

Related questions

Description : Smokers/vapers - how does it feel to get a nicotine hit after you’ve been “craving” it for a while?

Last Answer : I get a feeling of relief

Description : Stoners of Reddit, what is the most weed you smoked in a day?

Last Answer : Aye. A lot.

Description : What are the major pollutants of cigarette smoke? (1) Carbon monoxide and dioxin (2) Carbon monoxide and nicotine (3) Carbon monoxide and benzene (4) Dioxin and benzene

Last Answer : (2) Carbon monoxide and nicotine Explanation: Particulate matter consists of millions of tiny particles of diverse chemical composition. Particulate matter from tobacco smoke includes many particles in the size ... smoke and can enter deep into the lung where they can cause serious health problems.

Description : What are the major pollutants of cigarette smoke? (1) Carbon monoxide and dioxin (2) Carbon monoxide and nicotine (3) Carbon monoxide and benzene (4) Dioxin and benzene

Last Answer : Carbon monoxide and nicotine

Description : reddit smokers,why do you smoke?

Last Answer : I don't smoke anymore but the answer to this is simple. It works. It's immediate stress relief that is powerful and reliable.

Description : What causes changes in a smokers brain that makes his or her body feel like it must have nicotine in order to survive?

Last Answer : addiction

Description : Is it possible to come up positive on a drug test for marijuana without having smoked it- just being in the room with pot smokers?

Last Answer : Yes, it’s possible. She did inhale the smoke, same as anyone who actually put the joint to their lips. Whether she’s telling the truth or not, I have no way of knowing.

Description : Will a pregnant smokers baby be born addicted to nicotine?

Last Answer : answer:Well, my mother did not smoke when pregnant with me, and I smoke. I remember quite clearly it was a conscious decision i made at age 16, to start smoking cannabis, then about a year later i ... that only happens with nasty crack cocain and what have you. but im no doctor, i could be wrong.

Description : How long does nicotine stay in your blood stream after a cigarette?

Last Answer : You might find this article helpful.

Description : Do people who quit smoking become angry because of nicotine withdrawl, or where they always angry only ciggarettes helped them put a lid on it?

Last Answer : My daughter’s nerves are always ajangle when she tries to quit smoking. It’s because of the withdrawl, not her normal character.

Description : Should smoking in your vehicle be banned because a few smokers continue to throw their lit butts out the window?

Last Answer : Naw. Ban the cars that the butts are thrown out of. Makes as much sense.

Last Answer : The dentist will not examine the blood and take samples. Trying to brush your teeth will not recognize the poison cigarette.

Description : The nurse teaches the patient with peripheral vascular disease to refrain from smoking because nicotine causes a) vasospasm. Nicotine causes vasospasm and can thereby dramatically reduce circulation to the ... the bronchial tree, causing coughing. d) diuresis. Nicotine does not cause diuresis.

Last Answer : a) vasospasm. Nicotine causes vasospasm and can thereby dramatically reduce circulation to the extremities.

Description : Smokers- do you notice that one type of cigarette stains your fingers more than another kind?

Last Answer : My fingers stained somewhat when I smoked Camel Wides, but not at all since going to American Spirit rollies.

Description : Where you work, do non smokers get upset at the frequent cigarette breaks taken by smokers?

Last Answer : This is a pet peeve of mine. Non smokers don’t even get a break where I work. Smokers take about 4 to six breaks a day.

Description : Do people get a nicotine rush/ high with their first cigarette?

Last Answer : Yes, sometimes to the point of getting sick. It’s called a “buzz” and it’s very fleeting.

Description : So nicotine-free liquid is just as harmful as the nicotine kind?

Last Answer : I think so. It could be even more harmful. Because instead you have to use some substance and who knows what that substance causes in the body.

Description : Tobacco smoke is injurious to health because it contains : (1) Carbon monoxide (2) Nicotine (3) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (4) Melathene 

Last Answer : Carbon monoxide

Description : We've always known that smoking is terrible for our health, yet until quite recently at least 35% of American adults smoked. What turned that figure to approximately 15% (CDC figures for 2015) and in some communities, down to 10%?

Last Answer : Ten bucks a pack along with relegation of smokers to the status of lepers.

Description : Do smoke detectors go off because of cigarette smoke?

Last Answer : There is no difference. There are two types of smoke detectors. Ionization type detectors are more sensitive to smoke particles. This article explains in detail and simple language how each type works.

Description : Ex-smokers, how did you manage to quit smoking?

Last Answer : My wife gave me a blowjob for every day I didn’t smoke for two months. I liked smoking, but I like blowjobs more.

Description : Ex-Smokers, in what ways did you benefit from quitting smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I quit many many times before I finally actually quit. Benefits, hmmmm. Food tastes better. I don't smell like an ash tray (clothes, house, furniture, carpets, drapes and the car) and when I ... keep from putting a cig in your mouth for about three weeks you have a chance to quit for good.

Description : For smokers: What types of conversations happen in the "smoking area"?

Last Answer : Non smoker here. I don’t think smoking is a social thing. It’s an addiction that needs to be satisfied even if they are by themselves.

Description : If we legalize marijuana, will smokers be allowed to ignore the "no smoking" signs?

Last Answer : Bull. If they are gonna let marijuana users smoke anywhere they want, they better not bust me for smoking my cigars anywhere a pothead it smoking his weed.

Description : Smokers why did you start smoking?

Last Answer : Galloping stupidity in my case. I gave it up while still in my twenties – haven’t smoked since.

Description : Which of the following is true in regard to smoking, A. Smokers keratosis is common but metaplasia activity is not recognised B. Redox potential is increased resulting in aerobic bacteria C. Tissue perfusion is decreased resulting in increased infection

Last Answer : A. Smokers keratosis is common but metaplasia activity is not recognised

Description : Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding Smoker’s Keratosis? A. Typically affects the hard palate B. Minor mucous glands are swollen with red orifices C. There is a little regression if smoking is stopped

Last Answer : C. There is a little regression if smoking is stopped

Description : Has anyone had success in quitting smoking with the nicotine patch?

Last Answer : The patch may work for others, but the way I quit smoking many years ago was cold turkey. I had a good medical reason to stop which caused me to start thinking about stopping. But the real ... been a smoker for years, I found cold turkey easier than I thought it would be-and immensely gratifying.

Description : SSRIs +/- nicotine: Has anyone on SSRIs quit smoking?

Last Answer : answer:I have never quit. In fact, I kind of want to quit, but I've been in a terrible emotional place for a while now, and I have read that quitting smoking can trigger or exacerbate depression ... or find an alternative that would be beneficial to you. Hope that you feel more like yourself, asap.

Description : Does using nicotine (tobacco/ ciggarettes, etc) enhance similar feelings or offer any benefits outside feeding an addiction (or the physical enjoyment of smoking as an action unrelated to substance)?

Last Answer : longest.question.ever. I’d say the biggest benefit of cigarettes is that it tells you what person not to date. or how they’ll taste when you kiss them.

Description : Do you have experience with quitting smoking or nicotine replacement therapy?

Last Answer : It takes about 48 hours for the nicotine to leave your system. Longer if you're very overweight. So the PHYSIOLOGICAL cravings should be gone in 2 days or so. But then there is the PSYCHOLOGICAL habit ... day you'd wake up and have cancer. Or heart problems. Or any of the other related diseases.

Description : Smoking "while" using nicotine lozenges?

Last Answer : answer:I think if you are gonna do both, just smoke for now. I am waiting until the holiday break myself. The “cut back” thing really doesn’t work (I’ve tried), I don’t think it matters if you smoke while one is in your mouth or not; either way it isn’t good to get too much nicotine .

Description : Can smoking black and mild cause you to fail a nicotine test in urine?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Choose the correct statement about nicotine: A. It selectively stimulates parasympathetic ganglia B. It has no clinical application C. It is used as an aid during smoking cessation D. It is used in Alzheimer's disease

Last Answer : C. It is used as an aid during smoking cessation

Description : If I quit smoking now what are my chances of getting a smoke related illness?

Last Answer : answer:If you quit smoking right now In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal. In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, ... . In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker. (source)

Description : I just cold smoked some hard boiled eggs and was wondering: Does the smoke change the egg's pH and would the smoke increase their shelf life?

Last Answer : answer:This sounds somewhat like 1,000 year old eggs Which last some weeks, not years. I would start investigating there.

Description : Is there any reason you couldn't put a pan of water and smoke sauce in the oven to give the food you cook a smoked flavor?

Last Answer : answer:My oven already gives everything a smoky flavor, quite naturally. From the smoke that’s generated there. From the stuff that has been there before. Burning. It’s high time that I do something about that, too.

Description : Anyone who ever smoked: what was your first smoke and why did you light up?

Last Answer : answer:The first thing I ever smoked was a hash joint, I was about 16 and on my way home from a night club at about 3am, when I bumped in to my brother and a kid called Angel, smoking a fat ... the urge to smoke anymore, but it has still probably not been long enough to call my self an ex-smoker.

Description : Any ladies here ever smoked a pipe (not one filled with crack); what brand of tobacco did you smoke?

Last Answer : I’m a dude obviously but rum cured tobacco is really good, smells great, and you can buy it in huge bags for like… 5 dollars.

Description : Pot Smokers: Do you smoke at regular times?

Last Answer : answer:Not a weed smoker, but I did do it for a while in my teens. It was pretty random though, although usually in the evening or night. That's just how it ended up, nothing was really planned beyond after ... . Maybe that's where I got it from, although for me it was to trip out, not relax. Lol.

Description : Smokers: do you smoke more or less? (see inside).

Last Answer : I smoke the same amount (which is a lot) no matter how many cigarettes I have handy. I will go out in the middle of the damn night to get more, if I have to. :(

Description : Is Smoke-Free Campus Unfair Law for Smokers?

Last Answer : Law is not absolutely fair. Law represents interest of majority but not all people.

Description : Do you know any smokers who abuse The Patch in order to not have to smoke outside?

Last Answer : I know some smokers who use nicotine gum to get through the day, but not the patch.

Description : Smokers: at what age did it become acceptable to smoke in front of your parents?

Last Answer : I'm 28. I smoke in front of my mom on occasion, as she is also a smoker. I still get grief from her about it though. My health-nut dad knows I smoke, and is very vocal about how terrible it is ... of respect in that situation. I know it really bothers him, why would I do it right in front of him?

Description : Tobacco Smokers: Why still smoke ?

Last Answer : Because smoking is cool.

Description : Smoke point of kerosene is the (A) Time after which smoking starts on burning (B) Temperature at which smoking starts (C) Maximum height of flame (in mm) without causing smoking, when burnt in a standard lamp (D) None of these

Last Answer : (B) Temperature at which smoking starts

Description : Is it safe to smoke cigarettes while using a nicotine patch?

Last Answer : Only an idiot would do this and too much nicotine will kill you.

Description : How prevalent is smoking left over cigarette butts?

Last Answer : For what definition of “common”? I’ve seen it done too.

Description : I just saw a football highlight from 1989 and the place kicker luis zendjas was smoking a cigarette on the sideline during the game has anyone else ever witnessed a professional athlete doing this?

Last Answer : Not since about 15–20 years ago.

Description : Cigarette smoking at high pressure will be a problem ?

Last Answer : Cigarette smoking at high pressure can increase your blood pressure