What is something everyone should know while visiting your country?

1 Answer

Answer :

Don't antagonize the locals

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Last Answer : Hillcrest has the best record stores, if you’re into that thing. San Diego apparently also has a lot of breweries, but I’ve never been to one. I’d personally go to Stone Brewing Company for a tour.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I live in Georgia, so there's no escape. To answer your second question: NO - tourism was not taken into account. This was propelled by the right wing legislators following the conservative ... be carrying. My guess is that except for a few rowdy assholes, not much will really change.

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Last Answer : answer:I was about to say Fluther but your title refrain me from doing so :) Recently I enjoy going to Kickass Torrent. I can download good stuffs there, from music, books, to video games. And ... help there when Fluther is unable to help me. Sometimes I help others with their questions there too :)

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Last Answer : answer:I have difficulty talking to my mother over the phone. She's 82 years old. The world has changed, and she doesn't like it. However, my mother is not here in my house letting in stray ... over the phone, I remember to breathe deeply and silently thank my lucky stars she's 3000 miles away.

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Last Answer : I have longed to go to New Orleans, and to have lunch at Antoine’s

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Last Answer : I found this.

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Last Answer : The Space Needle. Pike Place Market. The Public Library, it’s beautiful. Seattle Museum of Art.

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Last Answer : answer:A belated welcome to Fluther! It is extremely hard, if not impossible, to answer this question without knowing where you live. Since you are in school, isn't there a counselor who can ... responsible for booking it. They might be able to provide you with the information you are seeking.

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Last Answer : answer:There are so many. Take him to clubs in the Meatpacking District. Also, just for hanging around day time, take him to Greenwich Village and Soho. For cheap souvenirs, and knock off stuff, not far from ... someone from Fluther had been to a club two or three years ago, it may not be here now.

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Last Answer : answer:The Art in Bloom, like the rest of the museum is free-the foundation raises enough money from supporters to keep the museum free. It is gigantic- in addition to the exhibits inside, there is an outdoor ... some indoor, some outdoor) It only lasts 4 days. If you go, let me know how it is!

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Last Answer : I would ask the adviser who invited you, what is common and acceptable.

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Last Answer : I may suggest the Wilson Falls. Otherwise, I’d point your ass outa my sorry town and over to Montréal lol.

Description : What recommendations do you have for someone visiting Chicago for the first time?

Last Answer : Well, they do have an Art Museum right outside Grant Park. As for architecture, on the Chicago River in the Loop there is a riverboat ride that details the architecture of the city. Food? Hit Demon Dogs. ... , and let's not forget Navy Pier. If nice weather, walk the Miracle Mile or the beach front.

Description : Visiting San Francisco to view potential city I am moving to for school/work; all suggestions on where, what, why to visit are appreciated?

Last Answer : answer:You will love San Francisco. I would be sure to visit Golden Gate Park, Union Square, Chinatown (have dim sum for lunch), Coit Tower, North Beach. Have some seafood. San Francisco is a very expensive city to live in.

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Last Answer : When I was in Italy I tried. Then damn near everyone spoke English. Just make it look like you are trying.