How do vegan's feel about the age of lab grown meat and dairy?

1 Answer

Answer :

How would you feel about growing human meat in a lab and eating it - an actual argument my vegan friend uses

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Last Answer : As a meat eater, I would be afraid of that!!!

Description : Can we get segregation laws for meat eaters from vegans in a restaurant?

Last Answer : Well food smells can’t physically hurt anyone. If a person is so sensitive that it can that person needs to take responsibility for themselves.

Description : For those vegetarians/vegans who refuse to eat meat out of moral conviction, would you start eating meat if it came from a replicator?

Last Answer : answer:I look at it this way: if my eating the meat will in any way create conditions that might lead to more animals being slaughtered, I don't want anything to do with it. If I eat a conventional piece of ... so it's not as if this would be some dream come true. But yeah, I'd consider eating it.

Description : Vegetarians and vegans: Do you have any remedies for accidental meat consumption?

Last Answer : answer:pepto bismol, settles and coats the stomach, stops diarrhea. or liquid lotrimin, same deal. I bet he grilled them next to each other.

Description : Vegans: Would you eat "In Vitro Meat"?

Last Answer : No effing way.

Description : Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: The Vegans say that they will eat, no raw meat, steamed ... they bite one juicy steak, I think they might get hooked. What is the female name you hear? -Riddles

Last Answer : NORA.

Description : Why did you change from vegan to eating meat and dairy?

Last Answer : I decided to go vegan a few years ago, but I just couldn’t give up turkey and salmon.

Description : Where does the biggest portion of your grocery budget go? Meat? Dairy? Produce? Prepared foods?

Last Answer : I live alone, so I have only myself to satisify, and my diet is abysmal! I spend way too much money on frozen, microwaveable food, and junk like ice cream. I am not a big meat eater.I have nothing against ... into ONE wheelie cart - a gallon of milk was $7.00!! I was shocked - how do families do it?

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Last Answer : (B) Natural organic products

Description : Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), which is mandated with export promotion of scheduled products including fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat, dairy etc, ... Industries c. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Last Answer : d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

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Last Answer : d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Description : Why can't dairy products, meat or fish be composted?

Last Answer : Animal products attract flies, rodents and other pests which create nuisances and carry diseases. They also make bad smells.

Description : Irradiation causes undesirable flavor changes in ____ products. a. dairy c. meat b. grain d. vegetable

Last Answer : a. dairy

Description : Vegans: how do you feel about cruelty free animal byproducts?

Last Answer : I'm not vegan but it seems to me that as long as the animal isn't an endangered species, didn't have a miserable life or death due to humans, and taking the bone isn't causing problems for ... for things. Some people might find it grisly, though. I would say the same thing about using human bones.

Description : How do vegans feel about carnivorous plants?

Last Answer : Well… I’m not a vegan, but a vegetarian. I have a Venus flytrap at work. I always get a little sad and grossed out when a bug dies (I know, I know…) but the plant doesn’t have the option of getting the necessary nutrients from another source. Such is life.

Description : I have a 6 year old Black Lab female I want her to have puppies is the age safe?

Last Answer : yes, easily. Most dogs are fertile at 2, but this can put a lot of strain on them. Your dog is more than mature enough, take her to a stud breeder and he'll check her to see if she's god for ... to get hip and eye scores done to make sure she's not going to throw (give birth to) any disabled pups.

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Last Answer : Yes – I have loss and abandonment issues that go back to when I was four. There is still a wound there that I have to be aware of when it colors my reactions to loss in the present.

Description : Vegetarians and vegans of Fluther, what do you feed your carnivorous pets (Please read details)

Last Answer : The Far Side

Description : How many vegetarians and vegans do we have now?

Last Answer : And while we’re on the subject, got any good vegetarian summer recipes to share? I just made this delicious raw sweet potato slaw with grated sweet potato, un-sweetened shredded coconut, chopped pecans, and a dressing of lemon juice and maple syrup. It’s so good.

Description : Can vegans eat Jell-O?

Last Answer : No. Honey is also no.

Description : Are there any vegans still on ask-public?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a vegan but respect the life choice and never could break away from my carnivorous desires. I am getting close to adopting many of the principals of a vegan diet all because a ... couldn't find any meats or dairy products on their ingredients lists. Their facebook page is a hoot!

Description : Do political vegetarians and vegans have an issue with cannibalism?

Last Answer : Yes, unless it’s autosarcophagy.

Description : Why are so many vegans militant about veganism?

Last Answer : I suspect the so many amount is probably due to confirmation bias (you tend to remember the vegans who support your hypothesis, and forget about the ones who contradict it). I think the way you've ... people are vegan because they think it's healthier , or don't like the taste of animal products).

Description : Vegans and vegetarians: Where do you stand on bug cruelty?

Last Answer : I have the same policy. No silk.

Description : Vegetarians and vegans: What is your ultimate veggie or vegan burger like?

Last Answer : I eat mine without a bun, on a bed of lettuce with dill relish, wax peppers and yellow mustard. I’m not a vegetarian, but I love veggie burgers.

Description : [nsfV] Are there foods you can't bear to see or touch? (V=vegans, vegetarians)

Last Answer : Egg plant and don’t ask me why I am growing one in my garden either! XD

Description : What do hardcore vegans do about ticks?

Last Answer : They would probably try and feed them a soy and beet blood substitute and start a local tick sanctuary.

Description : Why do some vegans find it necessary to harshly judge non-vegans?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a vegan, but will try to answer anyway. When people have strong moral convictions, they will judge others who don't follow those convictions. There are also in group ... serve to make veganism look bad, which is unfortunate for vegans who practice peacefully without attacking others.

Description : What's a good house present for a bunch of vegetarians/vegans?

Last Answer : I think the breadmaker would be ok.

Description : Vegetarians and Vegans, Have you had others disrespect your dietary choices and how did you respond?

Last Answer : When I was vegetarian, my family never respected it. My mother wouldn’t even let me prepare a vegetarian entree for myself when I was home, stating that it was ” the height of ignorance and bad manners” not to eat everything that was offered.

Description : Vegetarians and Vegans: What are some ridiculous myths you've heard about your chosen diet?

Last Answer : “It must be hard finding things to eat” “You cant eat out anywhere” “It makes all your hair fall out”

Description : What should vegans feed their domestic cats to ensure they adhere to their ethical standards?

Last Answer : Cats are obligate carnivores and cannot survive long term on a non meat diet. Inflicting your own standards on an animal that has evolved to survive by eating meat is immoral, cruel, and just plain stupid.

Description : Do Vegans, Vegetarians Use Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Last Answer : A true vegan would not. However, since normal vegetarians will eat things like eggs and milk (that are derived from animals without killing them), they may not have a problem with horse pee.

Description : Where can I find out how many vegans there are in America (in contrast to the number of vegetarians)

Last Answer : answer:There's quite a bit of variation in the poll numbers. According to this, a 200 Zogby poll of 968 participants found that 0.9% were vegan. According to this, a 2002 Time/CNN poll ... It found that of 5050 respondents, 0.5% were vegan. That would translate to about 1 million Americans.

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Last Answer : Yes, though I am concerned that we seem to have more technology than we have wisdom…

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Last Answer : Meats aren't like wine, you don't want them aged. Generally you want them as fresh as possible. Certain, very select, cuts of beef are stored for a certain period of time (generally a month to a month ... at the grocery store is as aged as it needs to be by the time it reaches your shopping cart.

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Last Answer : Operative word @flo HIGH WebMD’s tske on Biotin.

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Description : Have you ever seen a male lab tech?

Last Answer : According to this, males make up 31.5% of “Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians” and 48.6% of “Medical, dental, and ophthalmic laboratory technicians”.

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Last Answer : Water would run uphill.

Description : Do you know anyone who is one lab accident from being a supervillain ?

Last Answer : answer:Hawking is one away from being a hero. Donald Trump is the easy answer. He’d make a fair Dr. Evil.

Description : Can you answer a technical question about science lab equipment?

Last Answer : Is this a centrifuge?

Description : What are some long, tedious chemistry lab experiments you had to do for freshman year of college?

Last Answer : Can you go and ask the Proff or TA for ideas? Or else ask for the various class syllabus outlines. Question- if you make it too technical, as with later coursework, you may be hurting ... having something go south via differentials in the chemicals used, shipment differences, or the like. Good luck.

Description : I have a question about lab work?

Last Answer : answer:What an excellent set of questions for a health professional. I hope that you realize that trying to get accurate medical information from a bunch of anonymous fools on an internet site is pretty ... to look at the results. Anyone who would attempt to diagnose you over the internet is quack.

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Last Answer : I do it my way for my own use and the way the boss (customer) wants it.

Description : Can one find out if food was poisoned using typical resources found in a college chem lab?

Last Answer : answer:Hmm, depends on the college, but it's plausible. An HPLC/MS setup, common in a university (even teaching labs) could get it done. As for how to do it, you'd dilute the hummus ... /probable toxins. Hits indicate that it's possibly there (again, run verses normal hummus for more clarity).

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Last Answer : Your lab should have an up to date SOP or at least a manual for the proper operation and maintenance of your “CCC”. If not then I would consult the manufacturer for advice.

Description : What's the best way to clean/dispose contaminated lab equipment?

Last Answer : Check the MSDS on chloramphenicol for proper disposal.

Description : What is cooler than a roving explorer and lab landing on Mars?

Last Answer : answer:Uh, like nothing, dude. It is the best! PS – there’s a great demo… let me look for it. Found it

Description : Ways to study human anatomy w/o going through dissection lab?

Last Answer : answer:Anatomy software is something you may want to look into. If this is a serious interest of yours, you may want to take it to the next level and take some actual courses. I think your apprehension is quite normal.