What’s your best tattoo advice to avoid regrets?

1 Answer

Answer :

If it’s something comparatively simple, Get a temp (henna or sharpie even) first and see how you like it after a few days. If it doesn’t feel right after a few days it ain’t be great in 20 years!

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Last Answer : I have a tattoo with white ink. It was done about 20 years ago and badly needs refreshing. The white is all gone and has been for years.

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Last Answer : Inner Forearm will look better in my opinion, but it hurts more than the outer arm. In some countries visible tattoos may reduce the chances of getting a job, but that depends on various factors. You can go through this Beginner’s Guide to Getting a Tattoo

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Last Answer : I suppose locally popular sports team logos would be feasable, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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Last Answer : answer:I have been a YA librarian for many years, so I am hardwired to say that it's always up to the kids and the parents as to what they can handle and not give thumbs down to any book if ... mature for them to read. You'd be surprised how many times I've had kids make that choice for themselves.

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Last Answer : do you really think you could handle the pain for that long, what about the artist, he’ll get tired and might make mistakes. That’s also a lot to do to your body at once, do you even know that you aren’t allergic to the ink?

Description : "Fluther Ink": What tribute tattoo are you going to take?

Last Answer : I don’t know if I can do any better than referring you to this old question.

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Last Answer : answer:What? Yes! Sorry, but that’s something to run away from really, really fast. This question is hysterical, though.

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Last Answer : Not in the sense your examples describe. That's silly If you are planning on getting a tattoo, hopefully your tattoo arist can give you the basic information one would need. Most are professionals and ... That's up to your place of employment. On the other hand, tattoo's fit into anthropologie?

Description : Do you have any good ideas for a tattoo that pertain to these interests?

Last Answer : answer:This is quite cool… This what you’re thinking of?... Or you could do a smaller version based on this but instead of a five line stave, you could have a strip of film negative…??? fingers crossed those links all work

Description : Will sweat affect my new tattoo?

Last Answer : What area of your body are you getting the tattoo on? Your tattoo artist will be able to answer all these questions and inform you of the proper way to care for your new ink.

Description : If you were to get a tattoo of some sort of food (fruit, entree, cooking utensil, etc.) what would it be?

Last Answer : I was going to pick this but if it’s food precisely…I don’t really see myself sporting a tatoo of a pizza pop, T Bone steak or a sandwich from Subway…but it might still look awesome on my back. :D

Description : How do you find/pick a tattoo artist?

Last Answer : BY checking out their work. I have my own guy and would never go to anyone else. Once you find someone you should stick with them. That way you dont get any suprises.

Description : What does a tattoo in a dream mean?

Last Answer : answer: Your dream could be telling you that a certain action will have long lasting and visible effects. Tattoos may represent those things in our lives that seem only skin deep but may ... inflict on ourselves, is permanent if not deep, and generally carries with it some negativity. Source

Description : Would you ever let a friend tattoo you?

Last Answer : If friends work was good enough , he uses sterile equipment then i see no reason why not .

Description : Does wrecking balm tattoo removal work?

Last Answer : I would also like to no the answer to this ques.

Description : If you got a tattoo of a ruler, would it stay accurate forever?

Last Answer : Not a direct answer to the question posed, so I'll tiny-type it. I simply measure the length between my last and middle knuckle of my index finger on my left hand. I am at the age ... wouldn't forget. That way, you would not have to worry about sagging/stretching skin altering your measuring tool.

Description : Can you get ink poisoning from making a real homade tattoo with a sharpie?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure that sharpie ink is not intended to be used as tattoo ink. If you are interested in DIY tattoos make sure you aren’t using anything that’s going to poison the person getting the tattoo. I just read the details – call sharpie and find out if you should go to a doctor or not.

Description : Who is the best tattoo artist in the twin cities?

Last Answer : Everyone wil lgive different shops, the artist is someone YOU have to pick and trust what is good for one isnt for the the other . My suggestion to you is google artists in the area , and go see their work for yourself . Then decide

Description : To all with Subdermal Implant Knowledge...If i am going to have a tattoo-implant combo piece, is it better to put the implant in before or after the tattoo is done?

Last Answer : Very cool as far as I know, it is better to tattoo your skin first, let it heal for a couple of months and then do a subdermal however the artist should be aware, when doing the tattoo, ... will be all that much stretching of course depends on the subdermal either way..i want to see pics after

Description : Would you pierce or tattoo your pet?

Last Answer : Well, those people should be shot.