Alpha particle is the nucleus of an atom of – (1) Lithium (2) Hydrogen (3) Helium (4) Oxygen

1 Answer

Answer :

(3) Helium Explanation: Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus, which is generally produced in the process of alpha decay.

Related questions

Description : Alpha particle is the nucleus of an atom of (1) Lithium (2) Hydrogen (3) Helium (4) Oxygen

Last Answer : Helium

Description : A proton is identical to _____. (1) the nucleus of helium (2) the nucleus of a hydrogen atom (3) an alpha-particle (4) a beta particle

Last Answer : D. a beta particle

Description : An a-particle is _____. (1) A hydrogen molecule (2) A helium nucleus (3) An atom of hydrogen (4) A proton

Last Answer : (2) A helium nucleus Explanation: Alpha particle, positively charged particle, identical to the nucleus of the helium-4 atom, spontaneously emitted by some radioactive substances, consisting of two protons and two neutrons bound together.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- HELIUM

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Last Answer : (D) Gamma rays are high energy electrons

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Last Answer : The experiments were being done by Ernest Marsden, and HansGeiger, under the supervision of Ernest Rutherford.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- DEUTERIUM

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : (D) Positron is heavier than a proton

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Last Answer : An alpha hydrogen is abstracted by the base to form an enolate anion

Description : The element with highest first ionization energy is - (1) hydrogen (2) helium (3) lithium (4) sodium

Last Answer : (2) helium Explanation: The first ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions each with a charge of ... ) of Hydrogen: around 1200: Helium: about 2500; Lithium: about 500; and Sodium: about 500.

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Last Answer : (B) Helium

Description : The element with highest first ionisation energy is (1) hydrogen (2) helium (3) lithium (4) sodium

Last Answer : helium

Description : Consider the following statements: 1. The nuclear forces are short range forces. 2. Alpha rays emitted by a radionuclide are helium nucleus. 3. Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves. 4. Beta rays emitted by a radionuclide are negatively ... 1, 3 and 4 only (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3 only

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : What type of nucleus is an alpha particle ?

Last Answer : alpha particle helium nucleus

Description : Let us consider emission of `alpha`particle from uranium nucleus: `._(92)^(235)U - ._(2)He^(4) to ._(90)Th^(231)` `{:(e = 92, e = 0, e = 90),(p = 92,

Last Answer : Let us consider emission of `alpha`particle from uranium nucleus: `._(92)^(235)U - ._( ... evolve energy C. annihilation D. absorption in the nucleus

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Last Answer : `.^(234)U` has 92 protons and 234 nucleons total in tis nucleus. It decays by emitting an alpha particle. After the ... C. `.^(230)Th` D. `.^(230)Ra`

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Description : Ultra violet light of Sun's radiation is prevented from reaching the earth's atmosphere by the layer of – (1) Oxygen (2) Hydrogen (3) Ozone (4) Helium

Last Answer : (3) Ozone Explanation: The ozone layer is a layer in Earth's atmosphere containing relatively high concentrations of ozone (03). The layer absorbs 97-99% of the Sun's medium-frequency ultraviolet light (from about 200 nm to 315 nm wavelength), which potentially damages exposed life forms on Earth.

Description : Ultra violet light of Sun’s radiation is prevented from reaching the earth’s atmosphere by the layer of (1) Oxygen (2) Hydrogen (3) Ozone (4) Helium 

Last Answer : Ozone

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Last Answer : Successive emission of an `alpha`-particle and two `beta`-particles by an atom of an element result in the formation of its

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Last Answer : A double ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number `3` (i)Find the wavelength ... the emission spectrum of the above excited system ?

Description : A double ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number `3` (i)Find the wavelength of the radiation to excite the electron in `Li^(++)`from

Last Answer : A double ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number `3` (i)Find the wavelength ... the emission spectrum of the above excited system ?

Description : A double ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number `3` (i)Find the wavelength of the radiation to excite the electron in `Li^(++)`from

Last Answer : A double ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number `3` (i)Find the wavelength ... the emission spectrum of the above excited system ?

Description : a. Which atom should have smaller ionization enthalpy, oxygen or sulfur? b. The lithium forms +1 ions while berylium forms +2 ions ?

Last Answer : With the help of diagram answer the questions given below : a. Which atom should have smaller ... forms +1 ions while berylium forms +2 ions ?

Description : All the atoms of the world comprise of electrons, proton & neutron except that of __________ atom in which neutron is absent. (A) Deuterium (B) Hydrogen (C) Neon (D) Helium

Last Answer : (B) Hydrogen

Description : The emission of beta particle is from A)The valence shell of an atom B)The inner shell of an atom C)The nucleus due to the nuclear conversion `:` Prot

Last Answer : The emission of beta particle is from A)The valence shell of an atom B)The inner shell of ... to the nuclear conversion neutron `to` proton + electron

Description : What is the Particle in a nucleus of an atom it has a positive electrical charge and it's 2000 times the mass of the electron?

Last Answer : protonthere is no such thing as an electrical charged nut there issuch a thing as a charged particle, that is also known asneutron

Description : What subatomic particle is located inside the nucleus of an atom?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What positively charged particle is located in the nucleus of an atom?

Last Answer : This particle is the proton.

Description : The order of acidic strength of the hydrogen atom `(H_(alpha), H_(beta), H_(gamma))` in the given molecule is : `CH_(3)-underset(H_(beta))underset(|)(

Last Answer : The order of acidic strength of the hydrogen atom `(H_(alpha), H_(beta), H_(gamma))` in the given molecule ... D. `H_(beta)gt H_(alpha) gt H_(gamma)`

Description : (4) less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure Explanation: Deep-sea divers have their oxygen supply mixed with helium in order to avoid the toxic nature of oxygen under extreme pressures. The ... blood which blocks blood flow as the diver comes to the surface of the sea from underwater.

Last Answer : The chemical bahaviour of an atom depends upon - (1) the number of protons in its nucleus (2) the number of neutrons in the nucleus (3) the number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus (4) the number of nucleons in the nucleus

Description : What is the mass of the alpha particle ?

Last Answer : Alpha corner mass = 6.6X10 -27Kg ..

Description : A radioactive substance emits? (1) alpha particle (2) beta particle (3) gamma particle (4) all of the three

Last Answer : (4) all of the three Explanation: Radioactive substances are continually producing three kinds of dangerous radiation: alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. These types of radiation are invisible to the naked eye, and so you won't see a green glow.

Description : The following particles move with same kinetic energy. Which of them has maximum momentum? (1) Electron (2) Proton (3) Deutron (4) Alpha Particle

Last Answer : (4) Alpha Particle Explanation: The formula for kinetic energy in terms of momentum for fundamental particles is basically just a quantized version of the classical formula, KE=(P^2)/2m, where KE is kinetic energy, p is momentum and m is the particle’s mass.

Description : The physicist Chadwick is known for his association with: w) the alpha particle x) the neutron y) the cloud chamber z) the electron

Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE NEUTRON

Description : A proton and an alpha particle pass through the gap of a strong magnet. If both particles have the same initial velocity, how many times greater will the defection of the proton be relative to the deflection of the alpha particle? Will it be: w) the same x) 2 times y) 4 times z) 8 times

Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- 2 TIMES

Description : One curie is equal to: w) the square root of the binding energy x) the energy of an alpha-particle y) 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second z) mc2


Description : An alpha particle colliding with an electron loses: w) none of its energy x) little of its energy y) half of its energy z) all of its energy


Description : The following particles move with same kinetic energy. Which of them has maximum momentum ? (1) Electron (2) Proton (3) Deutron (4) Alpha Particle

Last Answer : Alpha Particle

Description : If there are 3 moles of hydrogen 6 moles of oxygen and 9 moles of helium in a 10 L vessel at 27 and degC the total pressure of the gas mixture will be?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : The ultra violet radiations of the Sun do not reach the Earth because the upper layers of the atmosphere contain (a) oxygen (b) helium (c) ozone (d) hydrogen

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : In which of the following groups, are the elements written in the descending order of their respective atomic weights? (a) Nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen (b) Oxygen, argon, nitrogen, hydrogen (c) Oxygen, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen (d) Oxygen, nitrogen, helium, bromine

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : In addition to hydrogen, the other abundant element present on Sun’s surface is - (1) Helium (2) Neon (3) Argon (4) Oxygen

Last Answer : (1) Helium Explanation: The Sun is composed primarily of the chemical elements hydrogen and helium; they account for 74.9% and 23.8% of the mass of the Sun in the photosphere, respectively. All ... out of which it formed: the hydrogen and helium in the Sun were produced by Big Bang nucleosynthesis.

Description : In deep-sea diving, divers use a mixture of gases consisting of oxygen and – (1) hydrogen (2) nitrogen (3) argon (4) helium

Last Answer : (2) nitrogen Explanation: Air is not the "ideal" breathing mixture for diving as with a concentration of approximately 79 percent nitrogen, compressed air poses two potential problems for all divers: ... Nitrox, a gaseous mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. It is also known as 'Enriched Air.'

Description : Which of the following gases is mixed with oxygen for breathing by divers in aqualungs? (1) Methane (2) Nitrogen (3) Helium (4) Hydrogen

Last Answer : (2) Nitrogen Explanation: For some diving, has mixtures other than normal atmospheric air (21 % oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 1% trace gases) can be used, so long as the diver is properly ... reducing the likelihood of decompression sickness or allowing longer exposure to the same pressure for equal risk.