Who in the story is most obsessed with rock songs with pauses?

1 Answer

Answer :

Lincoln, Alison's brother

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Last Answer : pauses in rock songs

Description : Alison's brother, Lincoln, is obsessed with: O A. using junk to make art. Or B. pauses in rock songs. Or C. time machine travel. O D. desert flowers and wildlife?

Last Answer : pauses in rock songs

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Last Answer : answer:I used to know somebody who was completely obsessed with a musician to the extent that they picked where they were going to spend 6 months of their life studying purely on the fact it was in ... air, as you were shot down for daring to question the apparent God like status of this man.

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Last Answer : hm, that is pretty gnarly.

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Last Answer : Lol! A lot of people watch television.

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Last Answer : Thank you so much for asking this. I flagged that last question that popped up and asked the mods a similar question. I have no clue what Tumblr is, so I cannot ask the question, but there must be something about it that makes so many of its members show up here recruiting people to follow them.

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Last Answer : Yes.I just had a listen to her a few minutes ago.Holy shit. XD

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Last Answer : I asked them to sent the question back, again but noone did so I can fix it. boo hoo. What are two things you are obsessed over? dang it all.

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Last Answer : I have recently discovered the game Cat Physics for the iPhone. It is insanely addictive and I am constantly trying to get higher scores in each level. There’s a world-wide leader board online that I try to get higher and higher on as well.

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Last Answer : Male brain chemistry.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to ask-public, MissCupid. How long have you been obsessed with the word Monkey? How old are you? Are you also obsessed with the visual image of the monkey, or just the word itself? Would you like to own a monkey? Like the one Ross had on Friends – Marcel?

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Last Answer : Just a bit.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t think there was video of the attack. It is an unfortunate desire, but a human one.

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Last Answer : I ask you: is today's germ phobia or the 19th century's primitive medical techniques preferable? I would rather be around a sanitizer addict then a smallpox patient. The concern with germs is good: it ... but in general most people seem to have more pressing needs (e.g. money) on their minds.

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Last Answer : There are plenty of talented people who aren’t all about image. Seth Green is a great example.

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Last Answer : Yes. I have several obsessions like this.

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Last Answer : put Tabasco sauce on them. make a paste of cayenne pepper and water and paint it on the thumb tacks. paint them with the bitter clear nail polish stuff people use to stop biting their nails.

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Last Answer : There ain’t a damn thing wrong with ya. We all look to the heavens – just, some do it more often than others.

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Last Answer : ahhh I might go for the former of the two…

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Last Answer : It’s called MSG, I would know I own a restaurant c: shhh

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Last Answer : We're a bit odd about it, but that's because about 75% of the time, he delivers all the mail to the upstairs where the other two building dwellers get their mail. And 25% of the time, he ... just, like, ads or whatever-I've gotten their bank statements and they've gotten my financial aid stuff.

Description : Why are people so obsessed with placing people who are innately talented or gifted in some way on a pedestal?

Last Answer : I might question the term obsessed but I think it is natural to admire people who have skills, abilities and achievements we would like to have. They may inspire us to carry on when we run ... has a particular quality that is admired, they will be exceptional people in every part of their lives.